NEW Vacancy - Cricket Wales Safeguarding Lead


Cricket Wales is hiring.

Arguably the most critical role in our organisation, we are seeking an experienced, dedicated and passionate professional to take our Safeguarding operation, culture and structure to the next level.

Already accredited at NSPCC CPSU Level 3 (the highest award) for our Safeguarding standards, we are seeking to maintain the excellent progress made to date, both internally to Cricket Wales but also, most importantly, further embedding Safeguarding best practice across the clubs and communities where our sport is played. 

The successful candidate can rely upon a dedicated and motivated volunteer team of League Safeguarding Officers, a well-trained structure of Club Safeguarding Officers across Wales, and a commitment from the top of the organisation and the Board of Directors to maintain awareness and compliance of Safeguarding standards, and to continue to lead the way in this space across Cricket in England & Wales. 

In addition to the long-standing support of NSPCC CPSU, the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) is also committed to evolving and enhancing its central support of Safeguarding across the game, particularly through system enhancement and policy development, but also through tangible executive support.  

This is an exciting time to join Cricket, especially in Wales, especially in the context of a growing sport and a growing profile for Safeguarding across both the professional and recreational game.

Details of the role, responsibilities and person spec can be found in english  here

and Welsh here

If you would like to apply, please send your CV, covering letter and salary details/expectations to: 

[email protected]

Closing date is midnight on 2nd October 2022


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