Support & Affiliation


Club Support

The ECB Club Support pages provide a range of self-help support resources available to help cricket clubs meet the ever-changing demands and challenges they face. Take a look at this brief animation to see how your club can start creating its own Sustainable Future. ECB Club Support

Cricket Wales also provides direct support to affiliated clubs through its Area Teams and dedicated Development Officers.

Club Affiliation


Our Core Offer is designed to provide essential access to; support, guidance, and opportunities for every club and league throughout Wales. This is to help them be the best they can be.  By affiliating to Cricket Wales, clubs automatically become part of the ECB.

Cricket Wales affiliation fees remained static for a number of years; In this time, the resource (both human and financial) invested into Clubs in Wales has grown exponentially.  Cricket Wales Board approved a modest rise in affiliation fees in December 2020, after benchmarking against other English County Boards and consultation with major leagues, in order to reflect the service and benefits received by clubs, but also recognising that larger clubs, especially Clubmark clubs, are likely to need and receive proportionately more direct assistance.

Our most recent Core Club Affiliation Offer including benefits and the cost for clubs is available here . For more information please contact your Area Cricket Manager or email [email protected]

Added Benefits for affiliated Clubs: Linked membership of the Welsh Sports Association:

Cricket Wales is permitted to share our member benefits, with our own non-for-profit member clubs. These are:-

  •  Level 1 First Aid in Sport! E-learning course, discounted to £30 for WSA members
  • Exclusive discount available to WSA members on Networld Sports products – a huge 17.5% off. Contact the WSA team for the discount code.
  • Club and Facility Insurance – preferential rates and support from WSA Partners Watkin Davies and Sportscover.

Further support and discounted rates on a range of services and solutions are listed below. Information on all of these services can be found on this website (Services). If you require any help accessing these benefits or want any further information please get in touch the WSA team.

  1. Access to Business Continuity webinar recordings
  2. Advocacy Support & Training
  3. Access to Monthly Political Monitoring
  4. Access to Campaign Advice & Resource pages
  5. Free Helplines & Advice – e.g. Legal, GDPR, Tax, Facility Strategy
  6. Safeguarding Support & Training
  7. Discounted Team Manager Training (TM1, TM2 & TM3)
  8. Discounted Legal Structures for Sports Clubs training
  9. Discounted Introduction to Sports Governance training
  10. Discounted GDPR for Sport & Leisure training
  11. Discounted Political Training
  12. Discounted Online Bilingual DBS services
  13. Discounted insurance & bespoke coaches insurance
  14. Discounted First Aid Training & Event cover
  15. Secure Live Streaming solution
  16. Digital Support & Advice – free digital audits
  1. Online Membership management solution
  2. Discounted Rental rates & Car Club vehicles
  3. Travel Support & Portal – domestic & abroad
  4. Governance advice & guidance
  5. Free online resources & templates
  6. Funding & Grant Advice
  7. Fundraising support via Local Giving
  8. Free access to WSA Procurement service
  9. Media & Events support
  10. Pro Bono Executive Recruitment service
  11. Welsh Language support & translation
  12. Wellbeing Support Plans
  13. Discounted Governance & Risk Platform
  14. Telecommunications – mobile contract kick backs for clubs
  15. Support with progressing the development & management of sports facilities.
  16. Promote National Events via the WSA website

If you want a service and you’re not sure it’s something they offer, please don’t hesitate to ask WSA. Even if it is not something they offer at the moment, it may help them to shape their member benefits in the future.

In order to gain access to the full range of services on offer – you will need to log-in to the website. Contact your CW Area Manager to obtain a unique Username and Password created specifically for their affiliated clubs.

For more information - WSA Member - Club Benefits - WSA


New to affiliation?

Here are all the basics you need in order to become an affiliated club with Cricket Wales click here

If you are an existing club but want to improve your governance and haven't yet done club-mark use this document to help you Click here


Club Mark Accreditation 

 is the ECB's standard for high quality community cricket clubs. It shows that a club provides the right environment, which ensures the welfare of members and encourages everyone to enjoy sport and stay involved throughout their lives. An ECB accredited club is recognised as a "safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all ages as well as helping parents and carers know that they're choosing the right club for their young people".
For further information about ECB ClubMark please Click Here.

Template Club Constitution

Codes of Conduct

Inclusion & Diversity



Official Partners

Glamorgan Cricket Sport Wales England Cricket Board The National Lottery Masuri Chance To Shine Lord's Taverners NV Play