What We Do



Cricket Wales is one of 39 County Cricket Boards that make up the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and is also recognised by Sport Wales and Welsh Government as the National Governing Body for cricket in Wales. Our vision is simple; it is for ‘Cricket to Capture the imagination of Wales’ and our goal is to deliver our strategy Inspiring Generations in partnership with our colleagues and friends at Glamorgan Cricket, and our primary funders, the ECB, Sport Wales, Chance to Shine and the Lord's Taverners. 

We exist ‘to lead, inspire and influence the growth, quality and accessibility of cricket in Wales’. We are made up of many different cricket organisations from across the length and breadth of Wales, all sharing a passion for cricket.

Our mission is focused on supporting the objectives of not only Cricket Wales and Glamorgan, but also the ambitions of both ECB and the Welsh Government by ‘connecting communities and improving well-being by inspiring people to discover their passion for cricket.’

Over 250 clubs, leagues and associations involving almost 25,000 people make up Cricket Wales. These include: Cricket Clubs & Communities; Senior Leagues; Junior Leagues; Cricket Groundskeeper’s Associations(CGA’s); Wales Association of Cricket Officials; Wales National County and ECB Coaches Association.


Mae Criced Cymru yn un o 39 Bwrdd sy’n rhan o Fwrdd Criced Cymru a Lloegr (ECB) ac fe’i cydnabyddir hefyd gan Chwaraeon Cymru a Llywodraeth Cymru fel Corff Llywodraethu Cenedlaethol criced yng Nghymru.  Mae ein gweledigaeth yn un syml, sef ‘Criced i gipio dychymyg Cymru’.  Ein nod yw ‘arwain, ysbrydoli a dylanwadu ar dwf, cydraddoldeb a hygyrchedd criced yng Nghymru’.  Rydym yn ymgorfforiad o nifer o sefydliadau criced gwahanol o bob cwr o Gymru, gyda phob un yn rhannu’r un angerdd dros griced.

Mae ein cenhadaeth yn canolbwyntio ar gefnogi amcanion nid yn unig Criced Cymru a Morgannwg, ond hefyd uchelgeisiau’r ECB a Llywodraeth Cymru ‘drwy gysylltu cymunedau a gwella llesiant drwy ysbrydoli pobl i ddarganfod eu hangerdd dros griced.’

Mae Criced Cymru’n cynnwys dros 250 o glybiau, cynghreiriau a chymdeithasau sydd â bron 25,000 o bobl yn cymryd rhan.  Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys:  Clybiau a Chymunedau Criced; Uwch Gynghreiriau; Cynghreiriau Criced Iau; Cymdeithasau Tirmoniaid Criced (CGA); Cymdeithas Swyddogion Criced Cymru; Cymdeithas Genedlaethol Hyfforddwyr Sirol ac ECB Cymru.



all stars 1

Our Objectives

  1. Develop Successful Teams and Players
  2. Create a network of great cricket venues
  3. Build a lifelong passion for cricket
  4. Optimise attendances and provide great experiences
  5. Secure the game for future generations

Ein Hamcanion

  1. Datblygu timau a chwaraewyr llwyddiannus
  2. Creu rhwydwaith o leoliadau criced gwych
  3. Adeiladu angerdd gydol oes dros griced
  4. Cael y mwyaf posib i fynychu a darparu profiadau gwych
  5. Diogelu’r gêm ar gyfer cenedlaethau’r dyfodol


The Cricket Wales strategic plan

Inspiring Generations, the strategy of Cricket Wales and Glamorgan Cricket can be read here

Cricket Wales Organisation Chart



Official Partners

Glamorgan Cricket Sport Wales England Cricket Board The National Lottery Masuri Chance To Shine Lord's Taverners NV Play