8th April 2014
| Mallory Gray
NatWest CricketForce weekend, completing an estimated £100,000 worth of improvements to their grounds.
Newport Fugitives CC, Glamorgan stars John Glover and Andrew Salter joined more than 40 volunteers, who helped build a new patio area, painted the pavilion and picket fence, installed new and renovated existing bench seating, and installed a new mobile cage at the Rogerstone ground. Roy Emmott, Newport Fugitives’ CricketForce coordinator, said: “'This weekend is vital to getting the club ready for the season. We're delighted with the turnout and the amount that we've managed to achieve in a relatively short space of time at limited cost to the club. I'd like to thank Cricket Wales, Glamorgan Cricket, Newport City Council Street Scene, Jewsons, all our sponsors and the local community for their help - it makes a huge difference”.
Peter Hybart, CEO of Cricket Wales, added: “NatWest CricketForce helps cricket clubs to get ready for the new season by inspiring club members and the local community to lend a hand. The contribution of the voluntary workforce is huge, and our clubs have risen to the challenge this year. “We’ve seen a 20% increase on registrations over 2013, with clubs the length and breadth of Wales getting involved.”
Martyn Wilson, Senior Sponsorship Manager at NatWest, said: "NatWest CricketForce supports clubs that survive on limited funding and every year more and more volunteers, local businesses and NatWest staff give up their time to help out their local cricket club for the benefit of the wider community.”

Paintbrushes ready - Glamorgan’s Andrew Salter (left) and John Glover (right), with Cricket Wales chief executive Peter Hybart.
Photo: Huw Evans Agency
100 o glybiau
Cymru’n cymryd rhan ym mhenwythnos Cricketforce NatWest
Gwelwyd brwshys paent a bocsys twls yn hytrach na batiau a pheli mewn
clybiau criced ar draws Cymru, wrth i wirfoddolwyr o’r clybiau a’u cymunedau
lleol adnewyddu’r cyfleusterau cyn dechrau’r tymor newydd.
Cymerodd y nifer fwyaf erioed, sef 100 o glybiau Cymru ran ym
mhenwythnos Cricketforce NatWest, gan gwblhau gwerth tua £100,000 o welliannau
i’w clybiau.
Yng nghlwb criced ‘Newport
Fugitives’ yng Nghasnewydd, ymunodd sêr Morgannwg, John Glover ac Andrew Salter
â dros 40 o wirfoddolwyr, a helpodd i adeiladu ardal patio newydd, paentio’r
pafiliwn a’r ffens bolion, gosod meinciau newydd ac adnewyddu’r rhai presennol,
a gosod cawell symudol newydd ar dir Rogerstone.
Meddai Roy Emmott, cydgysylltydd Cricketforce Newport Fugitives:
“'Mae’r penwythnos hwn yn hanfodol i gael y clwb yn barod ar gyfer y
tymor. Rydym wrth ein boddau gyda’r
nifer fu’n helpu a maint y gwaith a wnaed dros gyfnod cymharol fyr, ar gost
isel i’r clwb. Hoffwn ddiolch i Criced
Cymru, Criced Morgannwg, Gwasanaethau Stryd Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd, Jewsons,
ein holl noddwyr a’r gymuned leol am eu help - mae’n gwneud gwahaniaeth
Ychwanegodd Peter Hybart, Prif Weithredwr
Criced Cymru: “Mae CricketForce NatWest yn helpu clybiau criced i baratoi ar
gyfer y tymor newydd trwy ysbrydoli aelodau clybiau a’r gymuned leol i roi help
llaw. Mae cyfraniad y gweithlu
gwirfoddol yn anferthol, ac mae ein clybiau wedi ymateb i’r her eleni.
“Gwelwyd cynnydd o 20% mewn cofrestriadau yn ystod 2013, gyda chlybiau
ar hyd a lled Cymru’n cymryd rhan.”
Meddai Martyn Wilson, Uwch Reolwr Nawdd y
NatWest: "Mae Cricketforce NatWest yn cefnogi clybiau sy’n bodoli ar
ychydig o gyllid yn unig, a phob blwyddyn mae mwy a mwy o wirfoddolwyr,
busnesau lleol a staff NatWest yn rhoi o’u hamser i helpu yn eu clwb criced
lleol er budd y gymuned ehangach.”
Criced Cymru yw’r corff llywodraethu cenedlaethol ar gyfer criced iau
a chriced hamdden hyn yng Nghymru. Mae’n
gweithio’n agos â Chlwb Criced Morgannwg, sy’n llywodraethu gêm broffesiynol y
dynion. Am wybodaeth ewch i: www.cricketwales.org.uk
Much the same story can be said of other clubs in Wales. At
Aberystwyth Cricket Club, despite poor weather forecasts, members turned out, with help from Keith Richards, a Business Manager at the local NatWest branch, to give the 4-bay nets area a good spring clean.