Online Behaviour Management Workshop For Coaches:
4th February, 2025 - BOOK HERE
ECB Coaches Association membership
We are now offering a single category of membership and it is available for £30.00 per year if the applicant is 16 years of age, holds a coaching qualification* and has a valid ECB DBS.
*Minimum requirement is ECB Support Coach/Coach Support Worker/ECB Coaching Assistant Award
Membership benefits include:
- Exclusive videos: Wings to Fly on icoachcricket
- Exclusive articles: Hitting the Seam and Coaches Matter on icoachcricket
- National and local networking: icoachcricket Live, learning workshops and county-led events
- Communications: regular news and updates to your inbox
- Access to shop for exclusive ECB CA clothing and wear the three lions
- Insurance: Kerry London provide specialist insurance cover for qualified coaches.
To become a ECB CA member, please complete the application form HERE