Safeguarding Standards


Minimum Standards


It is every club’s legal and moral responsibility to provide a duty of care to children within their structure.  The Cricket Wales Safeguarding Structure is designed to provide every club with help and support and to signpost you to all the information you need to make your club safe and welcoming to children within our game.

It is a mandatory condition that all clubs affiliated to Cricket Wales follow the requirements detailed in the ECB Safe Hands document.  These expectations must be in place before anyone is given the opportunity to supervise children

With the advent of the ECB's Safe Hands Management System (SHMS) Cricket Wales will ensure such expectations and minimum standards are achieved and maintained. Where absolutely necessary, and with Leagues' support, any club which fails to achieve and embed minimum Safeguarding standards will be subject to consistent sanctions.  Several leagues already have existing sanction structures in place to this effect. 

Cricket Wales will ALWAYS support clubs who have concerns about their status or progress toward achieving minimum standards, Through the Area teams, we will signpost training courses and can assist, where necessary, with DBS queries.

ECB's Helpdesk can assist with tech support queries about the SHMS itself - this is available within the system.

The following minimum requirements already exist for specific roles within cricket:

Club Safeguarding Officer:

Safeguarding and Protecting Children Course (SPC) – classroom or online (SYC)*
Safe Hands Course
DBS registered with ECB



Coaching Qualification
Safeguarding and Protecting Children Course (SPC) – classroom or online (SYC)*
First Aid Certificate (certain courses)
DBS registered with ECB

*Safeguarding for Coaches - see FAQ page


Other Roles:

There are numerous other roles in cricket where a DBS must be obtained;

Volunteer Co-ordinator

Age Group Managers / Umpire

Club Captains


Junior Supervisors

Colts/Junior Manager

First Aiders

This list isn’t exhaustive; other roles could fall within the definition of ‘Regulated Activity’.  To find out more, all the detail you will need is described in the ECB Safe Hands document (link).


Obtaining or Renewing Qualifications:

See the Training Courses page to find out how to obtain all of the qualifications you need, or contact your local Area team.

Safe Hands, SPC/SYC and First Aid qualifications MUST be renewed every three years.

DBS – All volunteers carrying out Regulated Activity signing up to the ECB’s online system can opt in for free annual renewals.  See the DBS page for further details. 


Confused, need help?

Contact your League Safeguarding Officer or the Cricket Wales staffing team.  Details are on the Key Contacts page. 


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