DBS Process & Verifying


Online DBS

The temporary process allowing for DBS's to be verified using video calling has ended.

Club Verifiers are now able to verify once again 

Here is a guide on obtaining a DBS within Welsh Cricket:

When adults have roles that include the care, supervision or control of children in sport they are carrying out ‘Regulated Activity’ and must, in advance, and in law have appropriate checks undertaken to ensure the safety of those in their care.

Some roles within cricket require a ‘vetting check’, historically called a CRB check, but now referred to as a DBS check (Disclosure and Barring Service).  This check is an ‘Enhanced’ check, which includes spent and unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands, final warnings plus any information held by the police which they consider relevant to the role.

The ECB have listed a number of roles that require an enhanced DBS check and also a number of roles that do not require a DBS check, you can find these listed here.

We do realise however that every club is different and that there may be roles not listed on the ECB template.  In which case there is a simple diagram to follow which can help here.

If having followed the first and second document and you are still unclear, then it may well be easier to err on the side of caution and ask the individual involved to obtain a DBS check.  The Cricket Wales Safeguarding Team would be pleased to give guidance on this if needed.

There is additional UK Government guidance available in relation to the sensitive applications route for transgender applicants.



  1. Ask a Verifier to invite you

    In order to obtain an ECB Vetted DBS Certificate, individuals need to be invited to apply by an approved ‘Verifier’.  There are around 250 Verifiers across Wales, most Club Safeguarding Officers are Verifiers and where they are not, they will know who is authorised to arrange that for you.  They will send you an electronic link to complete the application online.


  2. Follow the link

    Once invited by the Verifier, the applicant will receive an electronic link to complete their application online.  Follow the link and fill in the details, including entering data for your evidence documents (such as driving licence, passport, utility bill etc – options can be found here).  Once done submit your electronic application.


  3. How do I get myself ‘Verified’?

    The easiest is to go back to the individual who invited you to complete the application.  If they are not available, the online system will help you to locate another Verifier in your locality.  They will need to meet with you* and check your documents in person.  The Verifier will log onto their access point to the portal and confirm your details and documents – this process takes just a few minutes.


  4. Ok, so I have had my documents verified, what happens next?

    Once the Verifier has confirmed your documents/details, they will submit the electronic application to the Disclosure and Barring Service.  Your certificate will then be posted to you and to you alone – nobody else at this stage will be aware of the contents.  We recommend that you inform your Club Safeguarding Officer that your certificate has been returned so that they can update internal systems etc.


  5. Will I have to renew 3 years later?

All ECB DBS Certificates now sign up to the auto-update service.  This means that 12 months after you have completed your initial application, you will receive an email asking if you are still carrying out ‘Regulated Activity’.  As long as you don’t opt out then your certificate will automatically renew, and your vetting due date rolls forward to show three years from that date.

March 2023 Update DBS renewals using the Update Service

Many DBS Certificate holders would have been of the opinion that the renewals process (if the Update Service selected during the application process) doesn’t require any intervention on their behalf.  This has now changed  due to an imposed decision by DBS on the ECB, Consequently individuals WILL HAVE confirm details of a renewal.

As a DBS starts its renewal process an email is now sent to the individual inviting them to access their Account and confirm a few questions. This is a straight-forward easy process to follow.

See example email below -

Subject: Important message regarding your ECB DBS Update Service - Please log in to your account to take action

Dear Xxxxxxxx,

The England and Wales Cricket Board have an important message for you regarding the ECB DBS Update Service and action is now required by you.

Please log in to your account HERE

Username: fH7fguDy

Kind regards,

ECB Safeguarding Team
England and Wales Cricket Board

If you are then directed to the government DBS system to set up an account ‘THIS IS OPTIONAL’ and may incur an annual charge (There is no charge if you select ‘volunteer role’).

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a conviction, does this mean I can’t coach children or be involved in cricket?

Absolutely not.  Having convictions does not necessarily mean you cannot be involved.  It does however mean that the ECB Safeguarding Team would need to view your original certificate (by posting it to them) for them to check the details, perhaps discussing this with you and making an informed decision.

Who will see the content of my DBS?

Provided there is no content, or confusion regarding your name, address or DOB then nobody within cricket will see your certificate. If there is a question around content or other detail, then the ECB will contact you and ask for further information or to see the original certificate. Within the ECB, only specialist officers with the Safeguarding Team will be involved.

What if I ignore the follow up from the ECB?

This would place the ECB in a difficult position. They know that you want to be involved in working with children in regulated activity and that there is something on your certificate that needs clarification/checking. Failure to respond may result in a temporary suspension being imposed from all cricketing activity.

Can I talk to someone about convictions I have before I apply?

We encourage people to speak to their Club Safeguarding Officers, but we recognise that people may be anxious talking to local people/friends about such matters. In such instances the Cricket Wales Safeguarding Director Ieuan Watkins would be happy to have an informal discussion with you [email protected]

How will Cricket Wales know if I have a DBS?

Once completed, some data from certificates is uploaded to a confidential system which can be accessed by League Safeguarding Officers and the Cricket Wales Staffing Team. The only data that is visible relates to your personal details, whether you have a certificate and its expiry date. No content data is visible.

Do I have to show my DBS Certificate to my club or anyone in my League?

No. This is your Certificate and it is your data. The only time that anyone may need to see it within cricket is where there is content or confusion regarding your name, address or DOB. In such instance the ECB Safeguarding Team will ask to see it. They will not share any content with your club or league.

Can I become a Verifier, that would really help out at my club?

Yes please! Being a Verifier is easy and its free. All you need is an ECB registered DBS certificate yourself. To become a Verifier, drop a short email to your local League Safeguarding Officer, they will be able to invite you.

During Covid-19 lockdown we were able to verify applications through video calls, can we still do this?

Yes, this temporary process remains in place at present, with a small number of verifiers authorised to complete the process.  You will find more details here.

I have lived/worked overseas – will I need an overseas ‘Police Check’

If you have lived or worked abroad for 3 months or more in the last 5 years, then you will need an overseas police check alongside your ECB DBS Certificate. There is sometimes a small cost for this, the cost and the process vary from country to country. There is lots of help and guidance available, in particular here.

I have a DBS from another sport or from my employer, can I use this instead of the ECB DBS process?

Sadly no. It is important that each governing body can make their own informed decision around any DBS content. What might be acceptable in one workplace/environment might not be acceptable in another.

Our Under 15’s help out at training; do they need a DBS?

DBS’s must be obtained for anyone in Regulated Activity aged 16 or over. Remember, anyone under 18 is still a child in law and they can’t legally coach/supervise children as they themselves are still children!  We do however actively encourage under 18’s to become involved in coaching under the supervision of qualified coaches.

How much does my DBS cost?

Great news – its free for most! As long as you are a volunteer the initial fee (£40) and annual renewal (£13) is paid for on your behalf by cricket. If however you are paid to carry out your role, such as a paid coach, then you will have to pay for your certificate (and renewals) personally.

I am a paid coach at Club A and I volunteer at Club B, do I need a certificate at both clubs and do I have to pay?

Whether you are working at 1 or 20 cricket clubs, Cricket only requires one DBS. If you are a volunteer, you are entitled to a free DBS check.

I am an Umpire/Scorer, do I need to pay for my DBS?

If you receive expenses for your role then you are not in employment. We anticipate the vast majority of all cricket officials to be volunteers.

Any other tips?

Yes! New photocard driving licences have a space between the last 4 digits. When using this for DBS evidence, disregard this space and don’t include it, simply type the 2 digits before and the two digits after without interruption.




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