Key Contacts & Policies

Cricket Wales is fully committed to safeguarding children and adults at risk and providing a welcoming environment for ALL.

Cricket Wales fully adopts and supports the ECB's Safe Hands Policy and encourage all clubs to do the same,
You can find all our key Safeguarding and Company policies here.

If someone is at imminent or immediate risk, you must phone Police or Local Services immediately – following which please contact the Cricket Wales Team for local advice and support.

In an emergency call the police using 999.  For non-emergencies call the police on 101.

Os bydd unigolyn mewn perygl uniongyrchol, rhaid ichi ffonio’r Heddlu neu’r Gwasanaethau Lleol ar unwaith – yna dylech gysylltu â Chyfarwyddwr Diogelu Criced Cymru i gael cyngor a chymorth lleol. Mewn argyfwng galwch yr heddlu drwy ddeialu 999.  Pan nad yw’n argyfwng galwch yr heddlu ar 101.



Cricket Wales

Designated Safeguarding Lead


Linda Medlicott

[email protected] or 

[email protected]

07546 695202



North Wales League & Cricket Wales North Region / Cynghrair Gogledd Cymru a Criced Cymru – Rhanbarth y Gogledd
Tony Moss - tel 07784005461



[email protected]







South Wales Premier League/ 

Uwch Gynghrair De Cymru


Position Currently Vacant - please contact SWPL for details 


South Wales Cricket Association/ 

Cymdeithas Criced De Cymru


Ben Roberts

[email protected]

07973 840070


West Wales Cricket Club Conference &

Cricket Wales North Chairman / 

Cynghrair Clybiau Criced Gorllewin Cymru a

Chadeirydd Criced Cymru – Rhanbarth y Gogledd


Robin Varley (left of photo / ar y chwith)

[email protected]

07714 219535


South East Wales Cricket League/ 

Cynghrair Criced De Ddwyrain Cymru


Derek Picken

[email protected]

07851 863833





Welsh ACO (Association of Cricket Officials) / 

Cymdeithas Swyddogion Criced Cymru


Peter Williams

[email protected]

07768 282491


Official Partners

Glamorgan Cricket Sport Wales England Cricket Board The National Lottery Masuri Chance To Shine Lord's Taverners NV Play