The Safe Hands Management System (The Portal)
26th January 2021
| Mark Frost
All Club Mark Clubs in Wales now have access to the SHMS system. Clubs need to work toward ensuring that every individual in listed roles are registered and visible on the system. Each club has an ‘Administrator’ who when logging on will see the headline compliance for their club.
For this particular club it is demonstrating that there are three ‘Warn’ markers, i.e., three areas of non-compliance that require immediate attention.
When the administrator accesses their club information, they will see more detail for each of the Warn markers which will allow them to put plans in place to achieve safeguarding compliance. As below:

The ECB have advised us, that any club not showing as ‘Compliant’ on the SHMS system on the 31st of July 2021 will automatically lose their Clubmark accreditation. We don’t want any club to be in this position, so we actively encourage Club Welfare Officers and Club Committees to start work now to ensure that:
- Every role is listed on the SHMS system
- That the SHMS system is showing your club as ‘Compliant’
As 2021 progresses we will start to introduce the remaining 92 clubs in Wales to the SHMS system. It would be wise for those clubs to start working towards their compliance in advance.
There will be further mandated expectations regarding safeguarding compliance for the 2022 season, the following standards will be required:
- Must have SHMS Administratorregistered with ECB and active
- Must list all Club Welfare Officers, Captains and Coaches on SHMS
- Club Welfare Officer must have ECB registered DBS, Safe Hands and SPC/SYC
- Captains(& regular stand ins) must have an ECB registered DBS
- Coachesmust have a Coaching Qualification, ECB registered DBS, First Aid and SPC or SYC
- You MUST NOT coach in Wales unless fully qualified
We will communicate further detail regarding these expectations in due course.
If you need support, please speak with your League Welfare Officers and/or your Club Workforce Administrators.