Cricket Wales AGM 2022 - Confirming New Director Appointments


Cricket Wales would like to thank all members for their support of our AGM last Thursday 13th October 2022.

89% of the voting membership cast votes in relation to the ratification of Director appointments, and all were carried by a significant majority.

To that end, we welcome the following new Recreational Game Directors;

  • Jo Holley 
  • Chris Last 

We are also delighted that Gareth Rees will continue to take the reciprocal Glamorgan Cricket seat on the Cricket Wales Board for a further year. 

The Board would like to again extend their deep gratitude to Richard Penney and Sian Webber, who both stepped down as Directors at the AGM; Both served Cricket Wales impeccably and we are grateful for their continued commitment to both their clubs and the wider recreational game.

You can read more about our Board and the skills and experience they offer us here


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