Watch our LGBTQ+ webinar for inclusive cricket clubs


In the Autumn of 2022 clubs in Wales asked for support around the subject of the LGBTQ+ community and how to help make players feel at home. Cricket Wales reached out to two experts to support this request which resulted in a first ever clubs' webinar featuring two leading practitioners in LGBTQ+ cricket, Lachlan Smith and Leo Skyner.

Leo and Lachlan recently established  drawing on their years of experience as members of the LGBTQ+ community in cricket and work with clubs and governing bodies to promote inclusion and participation.

The webinar includes a short presentation exploring good practices in inclusion, both focused on the LGBTQ+ community and more broadly. Our message is that we are striving to support Welsh clubs to be even more inclusive and welcoming in respect of LGBTQ+ members and supporters. The webinar concludes with a short Q&A.

Main points covered:

  • Language: make sure any homophobic references are not tolerated from the youngest juniors to the oldest seniors activities; call out poor behaviours.
  • Leadership: If the committee and key officers model welcoming language and action then the club will follow in this culture. Be specific dont just rely on a general statement on the website;
  • Allocate someone to be the first point of contact; A welcomer to the club who can help someone settle in:
  • Think about mixed cricket teams opprtunities 
  • EDI training has your club / committee taken this on at all?
  • Think about your changing and toilet facilities
  • Are your social areas welcoming and have non alcohol options?

To watch the webinar



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