Safe Return of Adult Cricket Activity from Monday 26th April


Following the latest Welsh Government review, which confirmed the return of organised outdoor activity for adults from Monday 26th April 2021, Cricket Wales, in consultation with The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB), are delighted to be able to release updated guidance for permitted outdoor cricket activity in Wales. 

The guidance can be found here, an associated infographic here and summary infographic here (ac yn Gymraeg yma).

While participants may already be familiar with many of the adaptations from the summer of 2020, we would urge all players and clubs to read and digest the updated guidance before playing their first game in Wales in 2021.


Players and clubs are reminded that: 

  • Adult organised activity is limited to groups of up to 30 participants (match officials are included in this number)
  • Clubhouses and changing rooms must remain closed for the time-being
  • Spectators are NOT currently permitted at sporting fixtures in Wales
  • Players must remain socially distanced at all times - before, during and after play - save for the limited exceptions where fleeting breaches of 2m are permitted, if they are unavoidable in competitive play
  • No sweat or saliva should be placed on the ball at any time
  • A 'hygiene break' should be undertaken (at least) every 6 overs - to be called by the fielding captain


This updated guidance replaces the previous guidance issued last month, but there have been no substantive changes to previously-issued U18 activity guidance. The latest guidance also includes a summary of and links to Outdoor Hospitality guidance, should clubs wish to open such facilities, in line with the law from Monday 26th April 2021.

If clubs have any queries in relation to this guidance, as always, please contact your Area Teams. 

Stay safe, everyone and enjoy your cricket. 



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