New Sport Wales Energy Saving Grant to power-up sports clubs


Sport Wales is making new funding available to help sports clubs save money by becoming more energy efficient.

Clubs can apply for new Energy Saving Grants of up to £25,000 which can be used towards the cost of energy-saving measures such as the installation of solar panels or better insulation.

  • To apply, clubs need to complete a stage 1 application form between Tuesday 16 May and Wednesday 28 June 2023. This is done online via the Sport Wales website where, importantly, you will be fully guided through the process.
  • Clubs will be expected to contribute a minimum of 20% towards their total project costs.
  • Clubs who apply for the funding must either own their building or have a minimum 10-year lease.

More information can be found in the information HERE.

For further support, please contact your Area Manager.


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