Indoor Guidance for Cricket in Wales December 2020


Further to our update in October Cricket Wales, in conjunction with the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB), has prepared amended  guidelines for cricket indoors in Wales. 


1) All sport and leisure facilities are allowed to be open but venue operators must take all reasonable measures to manage risk and maintain physical distancing.


You can play cricket or undertake training in a group of up to 15 people indoors (30 people outdoors). Coaches and match officials are considered participants and are included in the group limit of 15. Anybody who is there to organise or support the activity (e.g. non-participating event organisers, physiotherapists) if they are working or providing a voluntary service can also attend and are not included in the limit of 15 (or 30 outdoors) but spectators are.


The above group size limits do not apply to children under the age of 18 for activity arranged by a responsible body (e.g. sports club, public body, charity or gym). The only limits to group sizes for U18s relate to venue factors such as size, ventilation, flow of people into and out of the venue etc, all of which should be included in a risk assessment that also includes the need for sufficient adults to be present to supervise. Social distancing should be maintained.

4) Simultaneous organised activity of groups and individuals are allowed (both indoors and outdoors), where there is sufficient space to do so safely and independently. This means that if the venue is large enough, more than one group of up to 15 people per group can occupy the same venue, as long as those groups do not interact and work independently – so no mixing of participants (including coaches) among groups. The groups will need to be separated by social distancing and some form of delineation (e.g. nets, cones etc) to mark the boundary between groups. Activities involving waves or staggered starts should not be allowed if there is any risk of breaching the requirement not to have more than 30 people outdoors or 15 people indoors.

5)  Further advice is in the guidance here for hospitality


It is important that this is studied by ALL

  1.     Venue owners/providers of indoor cricket facilities 
  2.     Those booking venues – eg clubs or coaching providers   
  3.     Participants

The guidance offers practical guidance to venues, coaching providers and clubs on the steps they should take while undertaking cricket indoors. They should be read in conjunction with latest relevant UK and Welsh Government regulations and it should be noted these guidelines could change in response to the current COVID-19 Alert Level or other Government advice.

A summary of the adaptations is listed below but please ensure you read the full guidance for comprehensive details. There are three key areas of responsibility: -

1)     Venues

The venue provider must to carry out its own risk assessment which includes ventilation, occupancy, social distancing, and cleaning as a minimum as part of your risk assessment.Venues must appoint a named Coronavirus officer in line with Welsh Government guidelines. An indoor provider checklist should be completed and providers are encouraged to ask users of the venue to opt in to specific Health & Safety procedures and behaviours on site.

2)     Coaching Providers and Clubs

Coaching providers and or clubs that book an indoor facility should carry out their own risk assessment (RA) as well as seeing the venue providers’ own RA.Key issues are ensuring COVID-safety compliance, allowing handover time between sessions and adopting venue health and safety guidance.Clubs should appoint a Coronavirus Officer, if they do not already have one, as the key officer, accountable for processes, policies, risk assessments and general Covid safety of their club members.A useful checklist is contained here

3)      Participants

We encourage all participants to continue to enjoy your cricket and enjoy it safely.  Familiarise yourself with the guidance and follow advice and direction from your coaching provider or club before and during sessions.Key points for participants include:

  • Individuals should undergo a personal symptom check prior to all activity and should self-declare that: They do not currently have symptoms of COVID-19, nor have they had a positive test for COVID-19, or onset of symptoms of COVID-19, in the last 10 days.
  • Players should minimise handling of the ball in all activity.
  • No sweat or saliva should be added to the ball at any time.
  • Limit the sharing of equipment where possible;
  • If unavoidable, participants must practice strict hygiene, especially hand hygiene. ·       
  • Since Monday 14 September, it has been a requirement by law in Wales for all people e.g. staff, coaches, officials, customers (players/parents/spectators) and volunteers, aged 11 and over, to wear a face covering when in public spaces indoors in Wales. - This applies to all leisure, sport and recreational venues including club houses. ·       
  • A face covering may be removed when eating and drinking in a designated café, bar, or restaurant and when playing cricket or exercising. A face mask must be worn at all other times, before and after taking part in an activity.

While cricket, as a naturally socially-distant sport, is currently in the fortunate position of our being permitted to play, or practise, with adaptations, indoors, it is VITAL that facility providers and users familiarize themselves with this guidance and follow it closely.  Cricket Wales urges participants to continue to respect all other laws and restrictions, especially those pertaining to local lockdowns which may be in place.-

Sport can be part of the solution to this health crisis, but must NOT be part of the problem.


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