Getting Set for The Hundred with GirlGuiding Cymru


Cricket Wales, Glamorgan Cricket and the Welsh Fire were delighted to welcome nearly 100 girls to play on the pitch on Thursday 30th June as part of our ongoing partnership with GirlGuiding Cymru.

In South East Wales alone, over 700 girls from 35 units have already had the opportunity to give cricket a go at a local club this summer, and earn their Cricket Challenge badge.

On Thursday, the lucky girls involved from Brownies, Guides and Rangers got to improve their skills with Dynamos Cricket on the Sophia Gardens pitch, and meet Welsh Fire bowler David Payne.

Cricket Wales' Women's & Girls' Development Officer, Becky Thomas, who co-ordinated the event, commented, "This partnership has enabled girls of all ages to try cricket in a fun and safe environment with their friends. Through this initiative, we have had the opportunity to show the girls from Rainbows up to Rangers that cricket is not just a sport for boys!

"We have been delighted with the take-up of the Cricket Challenge pack and the number of girls giving cricket a go. Some of the girls have already gone on to join clubs and we even have a Leader who enjoyed the taster session so much she has decided to start up a girls-only Dynamos sessions and Women’s soft ball team at her club; She’s going to get her coaching qualification this autumn and be ready to go next summer - the impact this will have on the game for women and girls in her area cannot be under-estimated and exactly what we are trying to achieve through this partnership." 

The event was also featured live on ITV Wales Evening News.

For more information about how to get involved, check out our dedicated Cricket page on the GirlGuiding Cymru website.

To buy tickets to see Welsh Fire Women and Men in The Hundred in August, please click here 




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