Cricket Wales - Hundred Ball Women's Welsh Cup 2022


Hundred Ball Women's Welsh Cup
This year will be the first ever Women's welsh Cup - and we have 2 competitions available for clubs to enter. Hundred Ball (Main) Proper Rules FormatHundred Ball (Plate) Pairs FormatClubs can enter both competitions but must use two separate squads. No one player can play in both competitions.
Club Entry Form - Click Here
More details can be found on the W&G page provisional date for the Final will be on Sunday 21st August with a venue to be chosen closer to the date. There is a possibility that the Main competition will be a double header with the men's Welsh Cup Final on Sunday 4th September. This is yet to be agreed and we will plan for both finals to be held on the same day at the same ground.Clubs are to be reminded that this is a National competition and the latter stages of the competition may require some travelling. For example a North Wales team may host a West Wales team.With the ongoing pandemic potentially impacting fixtures we would ask that clubs be as flexible and understanding as possible and work together to ‘get the game on’. It is a prerequisite for all clubs who enter the competition to adhere to any covid related restrictions that are in place during each fixture. For the latest coronavirus information,  FAQ's, rules and round dates please see our website - 

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