6th May 2022
| Mallory Gray
Cricket Wales were privileged to be invited to the Welsh Government's Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport and International Relations Sub-Committee this week, to give oral evidence to the ongoing Inquiry into Sports Participation in Disadvantaged Areas.
Represented by CEO, Leshia Hawkins and Diverse Communities Development Officer, Mojeid Ilyas, Cricket Wales were given the opportunity to amplify our written submission, which detailed both data and lived experiences of Cricket Wales' officers, with regards to developing and enabling access to sport in disadvantaged communities in Wales.
Commenting on the invitation, Leshia Hawkins said, "We are extremely grateful for the opportunity afforded to us to contribute to this Inquiry, and to sit alongside colleagues in the other major Welsh team sports. It was an extremely valuable conversation with Senedd Members, who clearly care deeply about this subject, and we look forward to following up on the key themes and issues raised in the session, particularly with regards to funding and facilities.
In the meantime, we will continue to advance our own efforts and collaborations in this important work with our partners at Lord's Taverners and Chance to Shine - for Street Cricket, which will be launched in Wales for the first time this summer."
The full session, which also took testimony from the FAW, FAW Trust and the WRU can be viewed here