Cricket Wales EGM


Cricket Wales held an EGM on Thursday 13th May 2021, seeking the approval of its Members in relation to a number of amends to the Articles of Association.

The amendments had been proposed and recommended by the Directors in the context of both the evolving structure of junior regional cricket (and its impact on the organisations eligble to be Full Members), and to ensure the organisation remains in line with up-to-date governance protocols and best practice, and is in the best position to continue to lead, serve, sustain and protect cricket in Wales appropriately.

Cricket Wales received representation from 80.6% of the total of Voting Rights held by Full Members (as at AGM 2020).  A majority (of at least 51%) is required for a proposal to be passed.


The results of the votes were as follows:

Proposal A1 - Voting proportion amends, reflecting in particular the new junior structure and entities - PROPOSAL CARRIED

Proposal A2 - Amend to Article 5 (conditions of affiliation) - PROPOSAL CARRIED

Proposal B1 - Board composition and balance (increase of Independent representatives) - PROPOSAL CARRIED

Proposal B2 a) - Appointment of an Independent Chair  - PROPOSAL CARRIED

Proposal B2 b) - Chair Term Limit  - PROPOSAL CARRIED

Proposal B3 - Amend to Article 40 (Directors vacating office)  - PROPOSAL CARRIED 

Proposal B4 - Finance Director term limit - PROPOSAL CARRIED

Proposal C - all other non-substantive amends eg to historical or obsolete terms or language - PROPOSALS CARRIED


The Board of Cricket Wales is extremely grateful to the membership for both their engagement and participation in this process, and for their support.


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