Cricket in Wales unveils Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan


For several years cricket in Wales has been working hard at making our game ever more inclusive and diverse. This work has now been joined together in a single strategy and with even more ambitious aims our pledge is to.

Transform Cricket in Wales into a place where everyone feels they are respected, belong and are treated fairly’

The recreational and professional game has worked closely since Autumn 2021 to produce a coherent joint plan to clearly articulate the commitment and intention to embed equity, diversity and inclusion within cricket.  

Within the last six months, Glamorgan Cricket and Cricket Wales have -

  • Delivered a joint workshop (Nov 21) where subject matter experts, funders and those engaged with inclusion work considered the proposed plans for Cricket Wales and Glamorgan Cricket. The workshop also heard powerful lived experience testimony from two individuals involved in cricket in Wales.


  • Drafted an overarching joint EDI strategy and supporting enabling action plan which supports and embeds key points from the ECB Diversity & Inclusion 12-point plan etc.


  • Glamorgan Cricket has also engaged with the Investors in Diversity programme as an industry wide standard and joined Cricket Wales in initiating an EDI sub-committee.


With extensive specific tactics and actions identified, the strategy is underpinned by three key strands:

  • Support and Education for the workforce (paid and volunteer) to drive positive change in Wales
  • Creating diverse teams and ensuring we have the fairest possible pathway
  • Making Cricket Venues – both recreational clubs and Sophia Gardens - feel like home to our diverse communities

To view the Strategy in full please read here


Rezwan Hassan, Chair of the Glamorgan Cricket Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Sub-Committee said:

This is essential for us to unlock the best talent, attract new audiences and transform our game to capture the imagination of Wales. Only together can we be stronger and I’m looking forward to leading the change that we very much need in our beautiful game in Wales.

Sue Phelps, Chair of the Cricket Wales Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Sub-Committee, said:

There is no doubt that sport has power to connect, energise and inspire but if cricket in Wales is to achieve its vision it has to reach out to and include the many, not the few. As Chair of the EDI Sub-Committee, I can pledge that Cricket Wales, through its Board, employees and volunteers, is committed to make a stand against discrimination, listen to those who feel excluded or marginalised, and explore the most effective ways to translate learnings into real, measurable action.


Mark Frost Community & Development Manager said:

The launch of this strategy marks a critical development in both Cricket Wales’ and Glamorgan Cricket’s joint commitments to embedding equity, diversity and inclusion in all its forms, across every level of our game and our organisations. The shared goal of all our work as executive teams will be to ensure we collectively make an even greater difference to our participants, fans and communities across Wales.’


To read more about Cricket Wales' long-standing commitment to EDI and our accreditations in this area, please visit this section of our website.



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