As a country - we celebrate International Women's Day


In 2024 - women and girls cricket will continue to build on the success of the last few years with more and more females taking up a role within cricket whether that's being a player, coach, activator, committee member or a volunteer.

There are so many fantastic people involved in our game and today is an opportunity to celebrate those people on International Women's day.

You can find further information about International Women’s Day and the reasoning behind the #InspireInclusion on their website.

Yn 2024 – bydd criced merched a menywod yn parhau i adeiladu ar lwyddiant y blynyddoedd diwethaf, gyda mwy a mwy o ferched yn ymgymryd â rôl yn y byd criced, boed hynny fel chwaraewr, hyfforddwr, ysgogwr, aelod pwyllgor neu wirfoddolwr.

Mae cymaint o bobl wych yn cymryd rhan yn ein gêm ac mae heddiw’n gyfle i ddathlu’r bobl hynny ar Ddiwrnod Rhyngwladol y Merched.

Ceir mwy o wybodaeth am Ddiwrnod Rhyngwladol y Merched a’r rhesymu tu ôl i #YsbrydoliCynhwysiant ar eu gwefan.

  Porth Cricket Club/Clwb Criced Porth


Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality. Collectively we can all #InspireInclusion. 

Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness about discrimination. Take action to drive gender parity. IWD belongs to everyone, everywhere. Inclusion means all IWD action is valid.’

Dychmygwch fyd cyfartal rhwng y rhywiau. Byd heb ragfarn, stereoteipiau a gwahaniaethu. Byd sy'n amrywiol, yn deg ac yn gynhwysol. Byd lle mae gwahaniaeth yn cael ei werthfawrogi a'i ddathlu. Gyda'n gilydd gallwn greu cydraddoldeb merched. Gyda'n gilydd gallwn ni i gyd #YsbrydoliCynhwysiant.  Dathlwch gyflawniad merched. Codwch ymwybyddiaeth o wahaniaethu. Cymerwch gamau i hybu cydraddoldeb rhywedd.  Mae IWD yn perthyn i bawb, ym mhob man. Mae cynhwysiant yn golygu bod yr holl weithredu IWD yn ddilys.’ 

Below we share some incredible stories of just how important cricket has become to women and girls.

Isod, rhannwn rhai straeon anhygoel am bwysigrwydd criced erbyn hyn i ferched a menywod.

  Leah Thomas (Ynystawe CC)

Ynystawe CC Women’s Team always welcomes new members, no matter what time of year it is, who they are or background they come from. At the end of 2023, we welcomed Leah – what a breath of fresh, young air to keep the ‘oldies’ on their toes. 
“Leah certainly brings a new dimension to our women’s team. Her enthusiasm, eagerness and character brings energy to our training sessions. She’s never afraid of ‘giving it a go’ and telling us straight what she thinks but most importantly she will always give 100%. 
Nerys Saunders, Ynystawe Women’s Captain

You can view the full story about Leah here (English/Welsh)

Mae Tîm Merched Clwb Criced Ynystawe bob amser yn croesawu aelodau newydd, waeth pa adeg o’r flwyddyn yw hi, pwy ydyn nhw, neu beth yw eu cefndir.  Ar ddiwedd 2023, croesawyd Leah – a dyna ichi chwa o awyr iach, ifanc i gadw’r chwaraewyr ‘hŷn’ ar flaenau’u traed.

“Mae Leah yn sicr yn dod â dimensiwn newydd i’r tîm merched.  Mae ei brwdfrydedd, ei hawch, a’i chymeriad yn dod ag egni i’n sesiynau hyfforddi.  Mae hi’n barod bob amser i ‘roi cynnig arni’ a dweud wrthon ni’n ddi-flewyn-ar-dafod beth sydd ar ei meddwl, ond yn bwysicach na dim, mae hi bob amser yn rhoi cant y cant.”

Nerys Saunders, Capten Tîm Merched Ynystawe  Gallwch weld stori gyfan Leah yma (Saesneg/Cymraeg)

Beth Willis - Captain & Gary Morgan - Ladies Head Coach (Lisvane Phoenixes CC)

Lisvane CC have had a softball team for a number of years, but unfortunately Covid put a severe dent in their activities, to the point where the section had almost become defunct.  However, the resurgence in interest in cricket that occurred post-Covid lead to a sizeable increase in numbers and a new-found appetite for the game.  This is where the name Phoenixes came from – it was chosen as it symbolised the rebirth of the new team from the ashes of the old one.

The wonderful thing about softball is its inclusivity.  Obviously, there is a massive range of abilities within the squad, but this really does not matter, as there are opportunities for everyone. 

Gary Morgan - Lisvane Phoenixes Head Coach

You can view the full story about Lisvane Phoenixes here (English)

Beth Willis – Capten a Gary Morgan – Prif Hyfforddwr Tîm Merched  y Lisvane Phoenixes

Mae Clwb Criced Llysfaen wedi bod â thîm pêl feddal ers nifer o flynyddoedd, ond yn anffodus mi gafodd Covid effaith fawr ar eu gweithgareddau, a hynny i’r fath rraddau fel bod yr adran honno bron â dod i ben.  Fodd bynnag, mi arweiniodd y don newydd o ddiddordeb mewn criced a ddaeth ar ôl Covid at gynnydd sylweddol yn y niferoedd, ac awch newydd am y gêm.  O hynny y daeth yr enw Phoenixes – dewiswyd yr enw i symboleiddio’r ffaith bod y tîm newydd wedi’i ail-eni, gan godi fel ffenics o ludw’r hen un.

Y peth gwych am y gêm bêl feddal yw ei bod mor gynhwysol.  Wrth reswm, mae yna amrywiaeth enfawr o alluoedd o fewn y sgwad, ond dyw hynny’n gwneud dim gwahaniaeth, am fod yna gyfleoedd i bawb.

Gary Morgan – Prif Hyfforddwr y Lisvane Phoenixes

Gallwch weld stori gyfan y Lisvane Phoenixes yma (Saesneg)


Rogerstone Welfare CC  (Rogie Rebels)

The Rogie Rebel ladies make me feel valued and respected and being part of this group has lowered by anxiety levels a lot since playing/joining the group. There are still a few times where my levels are risen but these are soon lowered when in this group, as they help and support each other. I would just like to thank Carmel the cricket captain.  If it hadn’t been for her I would have quit; she has been my rock and go to when feeling anxious.

You can view the full story about Claire here (English)

Clwb Criced Rogerstone Welfare (Rogie Rebels)

Mae merched y Rogie Rebels yn gwneud imi deimlo fy mod yn cael fy ngwerthfawrogi a’m parchu, ac mae bod yn rhan o’r grŵp yma wedi gostwng fy lefelau gorbryder yn sylweddol ers imi ddechrau chwarae/ymuno â’r grŵp.  Mae ambell i adeg o hyd pan mae fy lefelau’n codi ond maen nhw’n gostwng yn fuan iawn pan fyddaf gyda’r grŵp, am fod pawb yn helpu ac yn cefnogi’i gilydd.  Hoffwn ddiolch i Carmel, y capten criced.  Oni bai amdani hi mi fuaswn wedi rhoi’r gorau iddi, mae hi wedi bod yn graig imi ac yn rhywun i fynd ati pan dwi’n teimlo’n bryderus.

Gallwch weld stori gyfan Claire yma (Saesneg)

Miskin Manor Ladies Softball

I am the girl’s cricket co-ordinator for Miskin Manor Cricket Club. I have been lucky enough to have been part of the club since 2020 when I joined the club’s Women’s softball team, became Safeguarding Officer, and completed my coaching qualification, all within 12 months. The club has a strong history of having women in prominent positions within their set up and when I joined our Vice Chair, Treasurer, Junior Co-ordinator and Women’s Co-ordinator were all female.

Gemma Hughes - Miskin Manor Women and Girls Co-ordinator

You can view the full story about Gemma here (English)

Tîm Merched Pêl Feddal Siskin Manor

Fi yw cydlynydd criced merched Clwb Criced Miskin Manor.  Rwyf wedi bod yn ddigon ffodus i fod yn rhan o’r clwb ers 2020, pan ymunais â’r tîm merched pêl feddal, dod yn Swyddog Diogelu, a chwblhau fy nghymhwyster hyfforddi, y cyfan o fewn 12 mis.  Mae gan y clwb hanes cryf o gael merched mewn swyddi amlwg o fewn eu cyfundrefn, a phan ymunais, roedd ein His-gadeirydd, Trysorydd, Cydlynydd Criced Iau, a Chydlynydd Criced Merched yn fenywod.

Gemma Hughes – Cydlynydd Criced Menywod a Merched Miskin Manor

Gallwch weld stori gyfan Gemma yma (Saesneg)


We show here some images that embrace the success of the phenomenal growth of the game for so many girls and women in Wales through the message of #InspireInclusion.

Gwelir yma luniau sy’n adlewyrchu llwyddianta thwf aruthrol y gêm i gymaint o ferched a menywod yng Nghymru drwy’r neges #YsbrydoliCynhwysiant                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Bangor Bluebirds Softball Ladies Team  / Tîm Merched Pêl Feddal Bangor Bluebirds   


 Llandudno Ladies Softball Team /  Tîm Merched Pêl Feddal Llandudno Ladies

Why not tag us in with:-

  • #photosthatmakeusproud
  • @wegotgameofficial
  • #wegotgame
  • #photosthatmakeusproud
  • #InspireInclusion
  • #IWD24

Pam na wnewch chi’n tagio ni gyda:-

  • #photosthatmakeusproud
  • @wegotgameofficial
  • #wegotgame
  • #photosthatmakeusproud
  • #InspireInclusion
  • #IWD24

We would love clubs in Wales to share their own images that make them proud on Insta and tag the above.

ECB will select a range of photos that are shared and brand them with a We Got Game frame and share them on the IG channel.

If you have some fabulous Club photos that you love please share them on Instagram and use the tags above.

To find out how you can start your journey in girls' or women's cricket click here

Byddem wrth ein boddau pe bai clybiau yng Nghymru’n rhannu’r lluniau maent yn ymfalchïo ynddynt ac yn tagio’r uchod.

Bydd ECB yn dewis rhai o’r lluniau sy’n cael eu rhannu, yn eu brandio â ffrâm We Got Game a’u rhannu ar y sianel IG.

Os oes gennych chi hoff luniau gwych o’ch Clwb, plis rhannwch nhw ar Instagram gan ddefnyddio’r tagiau uchod.

I ddysgu sut allwch chi ddechrau’ch siwrnai gyda chriced merched neu fenywod cliciwch  yma



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