Our Team - Rachel Warrenger

Rachel Warrenger

Women's & Girls' Cricket Development Officer North Wales

Rachel Warrenger

Women's & Girls' Cricket Development Officer North Wales

Swyddog Datblygu Criced Fenywod a Merched (Gogledd Cymru)

Growing up Rachel only had the opportunity to play in boys’ cricket teams as there weren’t many other girls playing in North Wales, which is one of the reasons why she is so passionate about getting more girls involved in the game.

Rachel’s role generally involves making the game more accessible to women and girls across the region. Rachel is now the full time women and girls’ officer having previously delivered  Chance to Shine sessions in primary schools.

She plays her cricket for Hawarden Park CC where she has been the captain of the ladies’ team for the past 5 seasons, and also has a keen interest in playing hockey over the winter.


Twitter: @RachCricketWAL

Contact Rachel


Official Partners

Glamorgan Cricket Sport Wales England Cricket Board The National Lottery Masuri Chance To Shine Lord's Taverners NV Play