Young Cricket Officials Sign Up Now!


A really good opportunity for young people (13-16 yrs. old) in cricket now exists to support and guide them into officiating  (scoring and umpiring) in cricket. 

Pre-lock-down we trialled a new course for young people (Cricketeens) and had an amazing response but then Covid prevented its roll out. 

We are now able to provide four courses with one planned in North Wales later this year. 

To start your journey as an umpire or scorer click on a link below.

The courses are FREE and as well each candidate gets a free shirt and counter.

The courses will run on these dates 26/27/28/29th July 10-4pm for 20 candidates  each


Listen to our Anna Harris also talk about this exciting opportunity here!



Official Partners

Glamorgan Cricket Sport Wales England Cricket Board The National Lottery Masuri Chance To Shine Lord's Taverners NV Play