Welsh Girls Are Selected For England Development Programme


(L-R) Jessica Thornton, Alex Griffiths, Charlotte Scarborough, Georgia Parfitt, Rose Evan. Picture taken on Wales tour to Abu Dhabi, 2015.

Five budding Welsh cricketers have been selected for the England Women's U15 Development Programme (EWDP) summer competition.

The event brings together the cream of young women cricketers from England and Wales for a week of matches at Shrewsbury School, Monday 10th to Friday 14th August. The competition, organised by the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB), involves four select teams – three U!5 and one U16. Jessica Thornton, Alexandra Griffiths and Charlotte Scarborough have been included in the U15 squads. Georgia Parfitt has been selected in the U16 squad and opening batter Rose Evans (Newport CC) is a reserve for the competition.

All five have been part of the Glamorgan Academy for the last 10 months. Jessica Thornton (age 14, an all-rounder at Newport CC) and Alex Griffiths (age 13, an all-rounder at Port Talbot Town CC and Llangenech Women) were part of the winter EWDP as part of a 22-girl squad who trained on a monthly basis at the ECB Loughborough Performance Centre. 

The winter squad members are always included in the summer competition - Alex is currently the youngest member of the EWDP U15 squad. The ECB then looks at other county players who have been performing well to take part in the competition.

Another Newport CC all-rounder, Charlotte Scarborough, age 14, who has performed exceptionally well this season for Wales U15, and U17, and has forced her way into the Wales women’s team, is among those selected by the ECB scouts.

Georgia Parfitt, aged 16, a wicket keeper and batter also from Newport CC, has been selected for the U16s at the summer competition, after impressive performances  for Wales U17 and Wales Women. She was also recently invited to attend an U19 talent detection day at Loughborough recently where she performed well.

“It’s a great achievement to have five Welsh girls involved in the EWDP U15 summer competition in one way or another,” said Aimee Rees, of Cricket Wales, who is the Wales U17 girls coach and women's team manager. “The girls thoroughly deserve their success which is a just reward for all their hard work. Their selection for this important competition shows that the future is very bright for Welsh cricket.”

Merched Cymru’n cael eu dewis ar gyfer rhaglen datblygu Lloegr

Mae pump o chwaraewyr criced addawol Cymru wedi’u dewis ar gyfer cystadleuaeth yr haf Rhaglen Datblygu Merched Lloegr D15 (EWDP).

Mae’r digwyddiad yn dod â chricedwyr benywaidd gorau Cymru a Lloegr at ei gilydd am wythnos o gemau yn Ysgol Amwythig, o Ddydd Llun 10fed Awst i Ddydd Gwener 14eg Awst.

Mae’r gystadleuaeth, a drefnir gan Fwrdd Criced Cymru a Lloegr (ECB) yn cynnwys pedwar tîm dethol – tri D15 ac un D16. Mae Jessica Thornton, Alexandra Griffiths a Charlotte Scarborough wedi’u cynnwys yn y sgwadiau D15. 

Mae Georgia Parfitt wedi’i dewis ar gyfer y sgwad D16 ac mae’r batiwr agoriadol, Rose Evans (CC Casnewydd) yn chwaraewr wrth gefn yn y gystadleuaeth.

Bu’r pum chwaraewr yn rhan o Academi Morgannwg dros y 10 mis diwethaf.

Roedd Jessica Thornton (14 oed, chwaraewr amryddawn gyda CC Casnewydd) ac Alex Griffiths (13 oed, chwaraewr amryddawn gyda CC Tref Port Talbot a Merched Llangennech) yn rhan o EWDP y gaeaf.

Roeddent yn aelodau o sgwad o 22 o ferched a fu’n hyfforddi bob mis yng Nghanolfan Perfformiad yr ECB yn Loughborough. 

Mae aelodau sgwad y gaeaf bob amser yn cael eu cynnwys yng nghystadleuaeth yr haf – ar hyn o bryd Alex yw aelod ieuengaf sgwad D15 yr EWDP.  Yna mae’r ECB yn edrych ar chwaraewyr sirol eraill a fu’n perfformio’n dda i gymryd rhan yn y gystadleuaeth.

Mae chwaraewr arall amryddawn o Glwb Criced Casnewydd, sef  Charlotte Scarborough, 14 oed, sydd wedi perfformio’n eithriadol o dda'r tymor hwn i dîm D15 a D17 Cymru, ac sydd wedi gwthio’i ffordd i dîm merched Cymru, hefyd ymhlith y rhai a ddewiswyd gan sgowtiaid yr ECB.

Mae Georgia Parfitt, 16 oed, wicedwr a batiwr, unwaith eto  o Glwb Criced Casnewydd, wedi’i dewis ar gyfer y tîm D16 yng nghystadleuaeth yr haf, yn dilyn perfformiadau trawiadol i dîm D17 Cymru a Merched Cymru. Yn ddiweddar hefyd fe’i gwahoddwyd i fynychu diwrnod canfod talent D19 yn Loughborough, lle roddodd berfformiad da iawn.

“Mae’n gamp i gael pump o ferched Cymru’n rhan o gystadleuaeth haf D15 yr EWDP mewn un ffordd neu’i gilydd,” meddai Aimee Rees, Criced Cymru, hyfforddwr tîm merched D17 Cymru a rheolwr tîm y merched. “Mae’r merched yn wirioneddol haeddu’u llwyddiant, sy’n wobr deg am eu holl waith caled.  Mae’r ffaith eu bod wedi’u dewis ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth bwysig hon yn dangos bod y dyfodol yn ddisglair iawn i griced yng Nghymru.”

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