Welcome to Our New Board Member Gareth Lanagan


As part of the Cricket Wales’ Board process of recruitment and change of Board members, we welcome our new recreational director Gareth Lanagan. Gareth replaces outgoing Tariq Awan, and we thank him for his contribution.  

Gareth is firm in the belief that if you want something changed then you need to get on and do it yourself. In speaking with Gareth, you are sure that he wants to make Wales a better place and now he’s a father, he wants all kids to be able to play cricket anywhere in Wales.   On the Board he’s keen to increase our use of the Welsh language and share his experience of the impact it has had in places like Dolgellau CC and the FAW.

Being brought up in Barry he was aware that not all children have the opportunity to play cricket and so he wants the game to be as accessible and equitable as possible. Another drive for Gareth is not to waste the opportunity that the pandemic has created. We are all adapting to changed methods and we should learn from these to make running the game easier for volunteers.  

“As a Barry boy, I started my journey with cricket with the very friendly Barry Wanderers under the tutelage of the late Mike Ashton. In the last thirty years I have had the pleasure of playing for the Wanderers, Llandysul, Aberystwyth University and Dolgellau cricket clubs. I was fortunate enough to contribute on the committees of all these clubs. At Dolgellau, I was fortunate to be part of a group of people who made a big difference in a short time during the last half a decade and as a result, I was lucky to have been the runner up for North Wales Coach of the year and the winner of the 2018 Sport Wales Volunteer of the year.”

  “In the day job, I have been in education most of my career. I completed a Ph.D. on Weather Forecasting at Aberystwyth University. During this time, I also started Welsh Medium provision of Mathematics in conjunction with the Coleg Cymraeg. More recently, I was a lecturer in Mathematics and Programme Area Manager for A Levels at Dolgellau and Pwllheli sites of Grwp Llandrillo Menai. In my current role I am Post-14 Curriculum Coordinator at Ceredigion Council. This sees me have overarching control of GCSEs and A Levels across the county. Within this role, I also coordinate e-sgol, Wales' first virtual school. “

While at Dolgellau CC, Gareth has been integral in starting a youth section, ladies section and disability section in the last five years. all of which are thriving.

So good luck to Gareth in your tenure as a Board member!


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