Wales Girls Selected for England Development Programme


Jessica Thornton, a 13-year-old leg-spinner and middle-order batter from Mid Glamorgan, who plays for Newport CC, was also on the programme for the winter 2013 and summer 2014.

Alex Griffiths, a seam bowler and top-order batter, is 12 and from West Glamorgan. She plays for Port Talbot Town CC has been selected for the England and Wales Cricket Board’s (ECB) development programme for the first time.

Both were members of the Wales U13 girls squad in 2014, and her selection makes Alex the youngest girl in the ECB U15 programme.

Jess was one of three Welsh girls in the ECB’s summer competition, along with Charlotte Scarborough, aged 13, and Rose Evans, 15, both also from Newport CC.

“This is a fantastic achievement for the girls and for Welsh cricket,” said Cricket Wales performance manager, John Derrick. “Getting three girls on to the summer competition was a terrific endorsement of the talent we have here, but having two on the development programme itself is a step up from that – a real accolade for the girls and for the coaches who work with them.”

Alex Griffiths

Jess Thornton

Jess and Alex will join the cream of cricketing talent from all over England at training camps throughout the winter at the ECB’s national performance centre in Loughborough.  

Merched Cymru’n cael eu dewis ar gyfer rhaglen datblygu Lloegr

Mae dau gricedwr ifanc o Dde Cymru wedi’u dewis ar gyfer rhaglen datblygiad merched D15 Lloegr.

Dewiswyd Jessica Thornton, troellwr coes a batiwr canol y rhestr 13 oed o Forgannwg Ganol, sy’n chwarae i Glwb Criced Casnewydd, ar gyfer rhaglen gaeaf 2013 a haf 2014 hefyd.

Mae Alex Griffiths yn sêm-fowliwr a batiwr brig y rhestr 12 oed o Orllewin Morgannwg.   Mae’n chwarae i Glwb Criced Tref Port Talbot ac mae wedi’i dewis ar gyfer rhaglen datblygiad Bwrdd Criced Cymru a Lloegr (ECB) am y tro cyntaf.

Roedd y ddwy’n aelodau o sgwad merched D13 Cymru yn 2014, ac yn sgil cael ei dewis, Alex erbyn hyn yw’r ferch ieuengaf ar rhaglen D15 yr ECB. Roedd  Jess yn un o dair merch o Gymru a gymerodd ran yng nghystadleuaeth haf yr ECB, yn ogystal â Charlotte Scarborough, 13 oed, a Rose Evans, 15 oed, ill dwy hefyd o Glwb Criced Casnewydd.

“Mae hon yn gamp wych i’r merched ac i’r byd criced yng Nghymru,” meddai rheolwr perfformiad Criced Cymru, John Derrick.  “Mae cael tair merch yn rhan o gystadleuaeth yr haf yn gadarnhad gwych o’r dalent sydd gennym yma, ond mae cael tair merch ar y rhaglen datblygu’i hunan yn gam i fyny o hynny - clod yn wir i’r merched a’r hyfforddwyr sy’n gweithio gyda nhw.”

Bydd Jess ac Alex yn ymuno â hufen talent criced o bob cwr o Loegr mewn gwersylloedd hyfforddi a gynhelir trwy gydol y gaeaf yng nghanolfan perfformiad genedlaethol yr ECB yn Loughborough.

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