Victories For Wales Teams At Start Of Season


“Encouraging team performances” – Cricket Wales performance manager, John Derrick. 

The Wales cricket teams have made a promising start to the new campaign across a range of age groups.

Wales U12 started in the best possible way, picking up a convincing 5 wicket victory against Herefordshire U13. After losing the toss, Wales were made to field but made inroads immediately with Jack Parry (NE Wales) picking up a wicket with the first delivery of the match. Herefordshire recovered with a second wicket stand of 46 but their middle order failed to kick on, as Welsh spinners Luc Rees (West Glamorgan) (2-12) and Sean Buchanan (Eryri) (2-9) limited the visitors to 105-7. Chasing 106 to win, Wales lost two early wickets, but recovered with Gwent pair Alex Horton (24) and Joe Westwood (17 not out) leading Wales to a 5 wicket victory.

Wales U12 enjoyed further success when they travelled to Tiverton Heathcote Cricket Club to play Devon U12s.

Devon put Wales into bat after winning the toss, a decision which paid off immediately when they took an early wicket. But an impressive 55 run stand for the second wicket between Ben Kellaway (Gwent) (30) and Osian Evans (Cardiff and Vale) (49) put Wales on top.  However, Devon made regular inroads into the Welsh line-up and 107-3 turned into 155 all out. Nevertheless, Jack Parry (1-8) and Joe Westwood (2-20) picked up early wickets in the chase. And after the introduction of spinners Luc Rees (2-15) and Ioan Phillips (Carmarthenshire) (2-18), Devon’s middle-order collapsed and was bowled out inside 30 overs for a meagre 65.

The U14 Wales team got their season underway with a win also, when they faced Millfield. Chasing 137, Gwent’s Scott O’Leary (52) and Tomos Evans (44 not out) led Wales to an 8 wicket win. Connor Davies (NE Wales) had earlier claimed figures of 4-23 to reduce Millfield to a modest total.

Wales U14 followed that by beating Wiltshire in a low scoring game. Wiltshire batted first but struggled from the start, with Connor Stone (West Glamorgan) taking 5-9 to limit the batting side to just 100. Further, despite losing a couple of early wickets in reply, Travis Morgan (Gwent) (41 not out) and Tomos Evans (41 not out) steered Wales home to a comfortable victory.

Wales U17s were on show too, and began brightly against Cardiff CC with Oliver Pike (Cardiff and Vale) taking 3-45 to limit Cardiff 202 inside their 45 overs. Yet despite half-centuries from Jamie Mills (Cardiff and Vale) (50) and Scott Thornton (Gwent) (56), the lower order batsmen were unable to score at the requisite run rate and consequently Wales came 14 runs short.

Against Carmarthen Wanderers, Wales U17s fared better, winning by 77 runs. A quick-fire 75 from Scott Thornton propelled Wales to 221. Chasing, Carmarthen made an encouraging start with an opening stand of 44, but were unable to stay in the game.

Wales U17s then went to Millfield School, where - after Alastair Andrady (NE Wales) hit 110 - Wales had good reason to think they had set a sizeable target. But when Millfield started their innings they were able to put on 141 for the first wicket which consequently proved too strong as they strolled home with 8 wickets remaining.

Wales U17s got back to winning ways though when they thrashed Welsh Colleges by 42 runs after setting up a huge total of 282-7 in 40 overs. Steffan Roberts (Mid Glamorgan) led the way, scoring 101 from 93 balls. But the real fireworks came with Ryan Ward (Gwent) who hit 53 off just 27 balls. Chasing 283 to win, Welsh Colleges put up a commendable fight with many of Wales's bowlers leaking early runs. However, the steady bowling of Prem Sisodiya (Cardiff and Vale) (2-37) was able ensure a comfortable victory.

Wales U17 did fall short against Newport at Spytty Park. Put in to bowl first, Wales were unable to control the scoreboard from the onset as a strong top order performance from Newport put the home team in charge despite Ieuan Paske's (Carmarthenshire) 4-20. Chasing 236 to win, Wales fell short despite a very fine 52 from 74 balls from Steffan Roberts,  and lost by 29 runs.

“We have seen some very encouraging team performances and some impressive individual contributions at the start of the season,” said Cricket Wales performance manager, John Derrick.  “Our teams are now looking to build on this as the season progresses.”

Buddugoliaethau i dimau Cymru ar ddechrau’r tymor

Cafodd timau criced Cymru ddechrau addawol i’r tymor newydd ar draws ystod o grwpiau oedran.

Dechreuodd tîm D12 Cymru yn y ffordd orau posib, gyda buddugoliaeth gadarn o 5 wiced yn erbyn tîm D13 Swydd Henffordd.  Ar ôl colli’r tafliad, bu’n rhaid i Gymru faesu, ond cawsant hwyl arni’n syth gyda Jack Parry (GDd Cymru) yn cael wiced gyda phêl gynta’r gêm. Llwyddodd Swydd Henffordd i adfer y sefyllfa drwy sgorio 46 rhediad am yr ail wiced, ond methodd gweddill y batwyr â manteisio ar y cyfle wrth i droellwyr Cymru, Luc Rees (Gorll. Morgannwg) (2-12) a Sean Buchanan (Eryri) (2-9) gyfyngu sgôr yr ymwelwyr i 105 am 7. Collodd Cymru ddwy wiced gynnar, ond llwyddodd y ddau fatiwr o Went, Alex Horton (24) a Joe Westwood (17 heb fod allan) i arwain Cymru i fuddugoliaeth o 5 wiced.

Cafodd tîm D12 Cymru lwyddiant pellach ar ôl teithio i Glwb Criced Tiverton Heathcote i herio tîm D12 Dyfnaint.  Gofynnodd Dyfnaint i Gymru fatio’n gyntaf ar ôl ennill y tafliad, gan gymryd wiced gynnar, ond roedd Cymru mewn sefyllfa gref yn sgil bartneriaeth glodwiw o 55 rhediad am yr ail wiced gan Ben Kellaway (Gwent) (30) ac Osian Evans (Caerdydd a’r Fro) (49).  Fodd bynnag, tarodd Dyfnaint yn ôl, gan gipio nifer o wicedi ac achosi dirywiad ym matiad Cymru, o 107 am 3 i 155 i gyd allan.  Serch hynny, llwyddodd  Jack Parry (1-8) a Joe Westwood (2-20)  i gipio wicedi cynnar ym matiad Dyfnaint ac yn sgil ymdrechion y troellwyr Luc Rees (2-15) ac Ioan Phillips (Sir Gâr) (2-18), bowliwyd y tîm cartref allan am 65 rhediad o fewn 30 pelawd.

Dechreuodd tîm D14 Cymru eu tymor gyda buddugoliaeth hefyd, yn erbyn tîm Millfield. Enillodd Cymru o 8 wiced ar ôl i ddau fatiwr Gwent, Scott O’Leary (52) a Tomos Evans (44 heb fod allan) arwain y ras i sgorio’r 137 rhediad oedd ei angen.  Cipiodd Connor Davies (GDd Cymru)  4 wiced am 23 rhediad gan helpu i gyfyngu sgôr Millfield.

Dilynodd tîm D14 Cymru hynny drwy guro Wiltshire mewn gêm o sgoriau isel.  Wiltshire fatiodd yn gyntaf gan sgorio 100 yn unig, gyda Connor Stone (Gorll. Morgannwg) yn cymryd 5-9. Er i Gymru golli wicedi cynnar yn eu hymateb, llywiodd  Travis Morgan (Gwent) (41 heb fod allan) a Tomos Evans (41 heb fod allan) dîm Cymru i fuddugoliaeth gyfforddus.

Cafodd tîm D17 Cymru ddechreuad da hefyd yn erbyn Clwb Criced Caerdydd, gydag Oliver Pike (Caerdydd a’r Fro) yn cymryd 3-45 gan helpu i gyfyngu sgôr Caerdydd i 202 o’u 45 pelawd.  Serch ymdrechion  gwrol Jamie Mills (Caerdydd a’r Fro) (50) a Scott Thornton (Gwent) (56), ni allai’r gynffon sgorio’n ddigon cyflym a chollodd Cymru o 14 rhediad.

Cafodd tîm D17 Cymru well hwyl arni yn erbyn Crwydrwyr Caerfyrddin, gan ennill o 77 rhediad.  Sgoriodd Cymru 221 yn dilyn batiad sydyn o 75 gan Scott Thornton.  Cafodd Caerfyrddin ddechrau da i’w batiad, gyda’r agorwyr yn sgorio 44 cyn cael eu gwahanu, ond dirywiodd y batiad o hynny ymlaen.

Yna wynebodd tîm D17 Cymru Ysgol Millfield.  Credai Cymru eu bod wedi gosod targed sylweddol  wedi i Alastair Andrady (GDd Cymru) daro 110, ond llwyddodd agorwyr Millfield i sgorio 141 am y wiced gyntaf, a osododd y seiliau ar gyfer buddugoliaeth rwydd o 8 wiced iddynt.

Serch hynny, daeth llwyddiant i ran tîm D17 Cymru wrth iddyn nhw guro Colegau Cymru o 42 o rediadau ar ôl gosod cyfanswm enfawr o 282-7 oddi ar 40 pelawd.   Steffan Roberts (Morg. Ganol) a arweiniodd y ffordd, gan sgorio 101 oddi ar 93 pêl, ond y perfformiad mwyaf tanllyd oedd un Ryan Ward (Gwent) a darodd 53 oddi ar 27 pêl yn unig.  Brwydrodd Colegau Cymru’n galed ond llwyddodd bowlio tynn Prem Sisodiya (Caerdydd a’r Fro) (2-37) i sicrhau buddugoliaeth gyfforddus i dîm Cymru.

Colli fu hanes tîm D17 Cymru yn erbyn Casnewydd ym Mharc Sbytty.  Cymru fowliodd yn gyntaf, gan golli rheolaeth ar y gêm o’r dechrau yn sgil perfformiad cryf gan fatwyr cynnar Casnewydd, er gwaethaf ymdrechion Ieuan Paske (Sir Gâr) 4-20.  Collodd Cymru o 29 rhediad, er i Steffan Roberts sgorio 52 gwych oddi ar 74 pêl yn y ras i gyrraedd y targed o 236.

“Cafwyd perfformiadau calonogol iawn gan y timau a chyfraniadau unigol nodedig ar ddechrau’r tymor,” meddai rheolwr perfformiad Criced Cymru,  John Derrick.  “Mae ein timau’n gobeithio adeiladu ar hyn wrth i’r tymor fynd rhagddo.”

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