Updates to Outdoor Cricket Guidance in Wales - June 2021


Further to recent changes in Coronavirus legislation in Wales, the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and Cricket Wales have agreed updates to the guidance for regulated outdoor cricket in Wales.

The latest document can be found here and replaces the last update to outdoor guidance, issued in May 2021.

A summary of changes and key points, which mainly pertain to language (organised activity is now referred to, in law, as Regulated Gatherings), and total numbers of people who may attaned a regulated gathering, subject to an individual venue risk assessment, can be found on p1-2 of the document; Cricket Wales would urge, minimally, that a club or venue's appointed Coronavirus Officer  reads, digests and reflects upon the whole document and reviews the organisation's processes and controls, as might be appropriate, and communicates any changes to the relevant groups. 

Updated checklists, aligned to new regulations, can be found at the end of the document. 

Indoor cricket guidance remains unchanged at this time, and standing guidance around playing cricket outdoors has not been substantively altered. Social distancing should still be maintained and particpants are urged to follow long-standing guidance with regards to hand hygiene and face coverings especially.

Cricket Wales also urges participants to note recent changes in hospitality regulations and guidance.

There is another Welsh Government review scheduled for 24-25 June 2021 and guidance will be subject to any material changes which may be announced at this point, or in the menatime as Wales continues its phased move toward Alert Level 1. Please, therefore, check our channels regualrly for the most up to date information, or contact your Area Teams, who will be happy to help


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