Updated guidance for return to outdoor activity in a club setting in Wales
19th June 2020
| Mallory Gray
to the First Minister’s announcement this lunchtime, Cricket Wales is pleased
to share the following guidance, issued in partnership with, and approved by,
the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) today, Friday 19 June 2020.
guidance should be fully and carefully considered by clubs BEFORE they take the
decision to open their outdoor facilities, and clubs should ONLY open
facilities if they feel able to comply; Player safety and well-being is and
must remain everyone’s top priority.
and coaches must also fully appraise themselves of the guidance relevant to
them BEFORE undertaking any activity.
would remind everyone that the regulation easing on outdoor socially-distanced
activity will only come into effect on Monday 22nd June and all other standing
guidance, such as travel restrictions in Wales and hygiene protocols must be
followed at all times.
other recreational cricket activity, with the exception of socially-distanced
outdoor practice, remains suspended until further notice.
Please follow the Link
to ECB website here
Guidance pdf is here