SWALEC invites Welsh cricket clubs to apply for 10000 pounds funds


Some Junior Players with Robert Croft, MBE and Huw Lock (SWALEC)

SWALEC has launched a fund offering £10,000 for cricket clubs across Wales to put towards new equipment, kit or facilities for the 2013 season.The fund was launched at a tournament and coaching session for junior players at the SWALEC Stadium. The £10,000 SWALEC Community Development Fund, which was first introduced in 2011, provides matched funding for grassroots cricket clubs. In association with Cricket Wales and Glamorgan Cricket, it provides funds to support recreational cricket and help grow one of Wales’ favourite national sports at a local level. 

Since the initiative was launched in 2011, SWALEC has helped 32 clubs invest in everything from waterhogs and cover sheets to sight screens and score boxes.The fund is open to any Welsh cricket club that is affiliated to Cricket Wales and the ECB and can be used either to purchase equipment or materials that support the playing of cricket or which will help reduce their operating costs.

Last year SWALEC awarded £10,000 to clubs across Wales. Whitchurch Heath Cricket Club in Cardiff used their fund towards purchasing a bush cutter for their ground. Phil Caunt, junior coordinator at the club, said: “We’ve had problems in the past with losing cricket balls in the undergrowth which has meant we’ve wasted time looking for them. Now we have the bush cutter we’re able to flatten the area which has not only meant we’re losing fewer balls but the ground looks much tidier too. We’re really grateful for the support from SWALEC."

Meanwhile Sudbrook Cricket Club in Caldicot used their fund towards purchasing a new facia for the club’s scorebox. Brian Gibbins, Club Secretary of the Club said: “We’d had our scorebox for ten years and it was in need of repair. Getting money from SWALEC to replace the facia was great – we’ve been able to reposition the box and it’s now visible to everyone in the crowd”. 

Jonny Petrie, head of sponsorship at SWALEC, said: “When we launched the Community Development Fund three years ago we made a long term commitment to support Welsh cricket at a grassroots level and encourage more people to get involved in this wonderful sport. We’re delighted that the clubs have put their funds to such good use and hope to see many more benefiting from it this year”. 

Peter Hybart from Cricket Wales said: “Grassroots cricket is at the centre of many communities in Wales and many people get a great deal of pleasure from both playing and watching it. This funding from SWALEC shows dedication to the sport at a local level and will hopefully help to keep it growing and attracting new players and followers”. 

Huw Lock, Peter Hybart (CEO, Cricket Wales0 and Robert Croft

All cricket clubs in Wales can apply for the fund by downloading an entry form at www.glamorgancricket.com/swalecfund. Completed forms should be submitted to [email protected] or Peter Hybart, Cricket Wales, C/O Glamorgan Cricket Club, SWALEC Stadium, Cardiff, CF11 9XR. The deadline for applications is 17 May 2013. All applications will be assessed by a judging panel who will then notify the club if successful. 

For further information on SWALEC’s sponsorship of Glamorgan Cricket and how to get involved visit www.SWALEC.co.uk/cricket The ‘SWALEC Community Development Fund’ was developed to reward grass roots cricket clubs across Wales by providing £10,000 each season, for seven seasons, to fund required equipment, kit or upgrade to facilities. The initiative, launched by SWALEC and in association with Cricket Wales and Glamorgan Cricket Club, aims to develop active participation in the recreational game in Wales and improve the cricket experience at grass roots level.In the 2011 and 2012 rounds 105 applications were received and invaluable funding was provided to 32 Welsh cricket clubs.

Who can apply                                                                         

The fund is open to any Welsh cricket club that is affiliated to Cricket Wales and the ECB. Those clubs that enter will receive tickets for a Glamorgan Cricket fixture staged at either the SWALEC Stadium, St Helens or Colwyn Bay Cricket Club (excludes T20 and International fixtures).


The 2013 round of the SWALEC Community Development Fund is open to receive applications on 5th April until the deadline of 17th May.                                                                                                          


Clubs can download their application forms from www.glamorgancricket.com/swalecfund  or www.cricketwales.org.uk  and must submit their completed applications to .


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