Survey of the 2020 Season



‘You Said We Did’   An amazing 1300+ respondents kindly fed in their thoughts to our survey on what we all learned from this most unusual 2020 cricket season in Wales. 


Mainly players, but we had responses from young and old, volunteers, coaches, official across Cricket. 6.5% identified as from a black and minority ethnic background and 8% were female. 92% were from senior cricket and 8% from juniors.

  •  Most people thought they would like a longer season starting in April and ending in September with two thirds (66%) of people wanting to start games 12-1 (26% before midday).
  • 53% would like 40-44 overs duration and 21% prefer the longer game (this is more from those playing in higher level divisions).


  • 46% want coloured clothing with 34% in whites and 18% with no strong view.
  • We all like a break between innings and 47% are happy to carry on with this season’ s adaptation of bring your own tea, 20% don’t mind and 32% miss a traditional supplied tea.
  • The majority (67%) are happy with a travel to game time of 30-60 minutes, 20% wanted under 30 and 10%  60-90 minutes. The vast majority of respondents were able to achieve their preferred travel time this season.
  • Most played less cricket than last year (67%) understandably but 21% played the same and 12% more.


To look at the Wales wide picture please click here

North Wales Cricket League

South Wales Cricket Association

South Wales Premier League

South East Wales Cricket League

South Wales Junior Cricket League

Monmouthshire Junior Cricket League

Cardiff & Vale Cricket Junior League

Pembrokeshire County Cricket Club

Obviously, this is a matter for individual leagues to consider and they are doing that now, however why not have a look at your own league’s overall replies here. We are now going to take these results to leagues and encourage players to engage with club and league AGMs to ensure players’ views are heard and taken into consideration when voting for any changes to current arrangements.


All of these percentages change slightly with league and up and down levels / divisions.



Official Partners

Glamorgan Cricket Sport Wales England Cricket Board The National Lottery Masuri Chance To Shine Lord's Taverners NV Play