Sport Wales Opens up its PROGRESS fund part of Be ACTIVE Wales Scheme



Sport Wales wants to ensure that community sport is set-up to succeed in the future. Applications that support lasting improvements will be prioritised.

You’ll find that the Be Active Wales Fund webpage has now been updated to include information about the new ‘progress’ strand.  This page will also link users through directly to the application form, which can now be used to apply for protect, prepare or progress funding.

The progress strand of the fund has been developed  to support more clubs and communities across Wales.  When the fund was initially launched in July, Sport Wales’ priorities were to provide immediate financial support so that clubs and organisations could stay afloat, and also to assist their return to activity by helping to cover the cost of them meeting Covid-19 safety guidelines.

These are extremely challenging times for our community clubs and organisations, which is why Sport Wales are opening up the Be Active Wales Fund, to support as many of them as possible through the pandemic.

Through the progress strand, funding can now also help clubs to be more innovative in their approach, to become sustainable for the long-term, or do more to tackle the inequalities that exist in sports participation.

Here’s a useful video to guide you


More about the Funding

The Progress element of the fund has three main purposes. These are to help the club, organisation or activity:

  1. . Tackle one or more inequality, such as increasing opportunities for black and minority ethnic participants, people with a disability, women and girls or those in areas of deprivation.
  2. Create long-term solutions to be more sustainable. 
  3. . Be more innovative in their approach. Applicants will need to demonstrate how the funding they are requesting will develop their sport or activity and impact on at least one these principles.

What is meant by these principles?

Addressing inequalities: 

There are several demographics that are currently underrepresented in sport. Sport Wales will support applications that have an impact on participation rates and representation for:

• Women and girls

• People with a disability

• People from a Black or Minority Ethnic group or background (BME)

•Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual people

• Transgender people

• People living in social economic deprivation / disadvantage

• Those who use the Welsh language


Long-term sustainability

Sport Wales wants to ensure that community sport is set-up to succeed in the future. Applications that support lasting improvements will be prioritised.



Applications will be supported if they are able to demonstrate a new approach to the delivery of their sport. This may include innovation in how they are delivered, in responding to the medium and long-term challenges of Covid-19, or the type of activities that are delivered. This is a new and innovative investment stream. Applications will need to align to at least one of the three priority areas of ‘addressing inequalities,’ ‘long-term sustainability’ or ‘innovation’.  It is important that applicants are not focused on what they can get funding for, but rather what their ultimate needs are.

As a GUIDE ONLY, some applications are likely to focus on:

• Making improvements or adaptation to facilities so there are more opportunities for people to play or train.

• New facilities to enable more sport or activity to take place.

• Using technology to engage more participants, such as providing online sessions, or using online tools to help with income generation.

• Coach education at Level 1 where there is a proven need.

• Upskilling of volunteers where the club has gaps in skills or experience.

• Equipment that enables more people to take part.

• Different and innovative ways in which the activity can be delivered.

• Approaches that target specific underrepresented groups.


The scheme will close on February 12th 2021


If you would like to talk about the fund in more detail, please contact your Area Cricket Manager 


To Apply Click here



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