
Rod Jones - Chairman of Cricket Wales



At its first meeting held on 18th October the new Cricket Wales Board has elected Rod Jones as its new Chair for the next twelve months.

Rod is a former Chair of the Welsh Clubs Cricket Conference and is currently Deputy Chair of the new South East Wales Cricket League. He chairs the SEWCL Disciplinary Committee and is also Chair, player and former Captain and Junior Coach of Monkswood Cricket Club in Monmouthshire.

 Professionally Rod is Managing Director of Tata Steel UK Consulting Limited, an international steel consulting group. He possesses extensive professional experience within leadership, strategic planning, financial control, change and performance management. He has successfully applied a number of these skills across Welsh recreational cricket in recent years.

“I am honoured to have been elected Chair of Cricket Wales for the next twelve months and thank the new Board for the confidence they have placed in me to play such a key role. The new Board is in place which now comprises a good mix of Recreational Directors, Independent Directors and Glamorgan nominees.

"It is vital that Cricket Wales builds on past successes and becomes ever more relevant to clubs, leagues, regions and associations throughout Wales.  At the same time we will seek to further develop our relationship with Glamorgan CCC to our mutual benefit as together we meet the challenges the game faces.

"I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere thanks to former Chair Roger Morris who has shown great leadership over the past five years, particularly in modernising the governance of Cricket Wales.

"I would also like to place on record my thanks to former Recreational Board Directors Robin Varley, Neil Hobbs, Peter Williams and Peter Brett who have all served CW and cricket in Wales over many years. I hope that their support and commitment will continue long into the future.

Finally I want all volunteers who are the life blood of our game to know how highly we value their contribution.”



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