Return To Recreational Cricket in Wales 10 July 2020 (1)


 Cricket Wales welcomes the First Minister’s announcement at lunchtime today, Friday 10th July, which stated that organised, outdoor activities, including cricket - for up to 30 people - will be permitted in Wales from Monday 13th July.

The purpose of the guidelines that we will issue shortly, in follow up to the First Minister’s announcement, will be to offer practical guidance to players and clubs on the steps they should take while undertaking recreational cricket activity in Wales when we are allowed to return from next week. They should be read in conjunction with latest Welsh Government regulations and guidance.

As of 13 July 2020, recreational cricket matches and outdoor practice sessions can take place, but with some adaptations in place to mitigate the transmission risk of COVID-19, and with overall group size participating, including any coaches and officials, being limited to 30 people in total.

We would reiterate that these guidelines could change in response to the current COVID Alert Level or any other changes in Government advice or policy. While today’s news is extremely positive for cricket and cricketers, we will need to implement some adaptations for all cricket activity in order to keep participants safe. These adaptations will be applicable to players, parents, clubs, coaches, spectators, and officials; ALL participants and spectators should therefore familiarise themselves fully with these guidelines BEFORE undertaking any cricket activity. The adaptations relate to activity prior to, during and after cricket activity.  

Some of the key adaptations are listed below, but we urge participants and parent to read the full guidance when it is issued for comprehensive details.

  1. Individuals should undergo a personal symptom check prior to matches and NOT take part if they demonstrate any COVID-19 symptoms.
  2. All groups limited to a maximum of 30 people, including coaches and officials.
  3. Club representatives should ensure that the facility is compliant with current Welsh Government legislation including legislation and guidance related to COVID-19.
  4. Clubs should keep a record of attendees at a match/session, including contact details, to support the Welsh Government’s Test, Trace, Protect programme.
  5. Players should socially distance – including not celebrating wickets with traditional ‘high-fives’.
  6. Players should minimise handling of the ball in match by limiting contact as it makes its way back to the bowler; no sweat or saliva should be added to the ball at any time.
  7. Limit the sharing of equipment where possible. Where not possible, practice strict hand hygiene.
  8. Batters to run in distinct running lanes to ensure they are not within 2m of the bowler or their batting partner. Full guidance will be issued as soon as possible.

Cricket Wales CEO, Leshia Hawkins, commented “We are absolutely thrilled with the news today, and as I know the Cricket Family in Wales will be. There has been an extraordinary amount of work by Cricket Wales staff and Club and League volunteers behind the scenes over the last few months to get us to today I must say a huge thank you to them.

“My team and I will now urgently work with colleagues at the England & Wales Cricket Board, to analyse the detail of the written guidance from Welsh Government on sport’s return, when it is issued, and ensure that the guidance for Cricket in Wales is signed off and published as soon as is possible. “I look forward to seeing as many people as possible, especially kids, out there playing and enjoying their cricket this summer.”

Please see how we are celebrating this here in this short film

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