Pupils are bowled over by new cricket club


The pupils of New Inn Primary School

Pupils at a South Wales primary school are bowled over by a new after-school cricket club, set up as part of a £250,000 Wales-wide programme to grow the game.

Cricket Wales answered the call from New Inn Primary School, Pontypool, who were keen to reintroduce cricket after several years’ absence. Lee Herring, Cricket Wales community coach for Torfaen and North Monmouthshire, stepped in and ran taster sessions, leading to an after-school club run by a member of staff and involving some 20 pupils.

The Community Coach Programme is a £250,000 annual programme supported by the Cricket Foundation’s Chance to Shine and Sport Wales, to support cricket in schools and create more junior teams.

The programme is one of the largest sports development initiatives in Wales. In 2012-13, it led to 28 new teams playing structured league cricket. It involved 68 clubs and 314 schools around Wales, training 201 teachers. Of those schools, 88% rated the quality of coaching as excellent or very good.

 “The Community Coach Programme is one of the big success stories of Welsh cricket,” said Cricket Wales chief executive, Peter Hybart. “We have a network of 22 community coaches around the country, with the expertise and talent to help schools such as New Inn Primary to give pupils the chance to enjoy cricket.”

 Cricket Wales is the national governing body for junior and recreational senior cricket in Wales. It works closely with Glamorgan County Cricket Club, which governs the men’s professional game. For information visit www.cricketwales.org.uk

Clwb criced newydd yn taro’r marc gyda disgyblion 

Mae disgyblion ysgol gynradd yn Ne Cymru wrth eu boddau gyda chlwb criced ar ôl ysgol newydd a sefydlwyd fel rhan o raglen gwerth £250,000 dros Gymru gyfan i ehangu’r gêm.

Atebodd Criced Cymru'r alwad oddi wrth Ysgol Gynradd New Inn, Pont-y-pwl, oedd yn awyddus i ail-gyflwyno criced ar ôl blynyddoedd o absenoldeb. Daeth Lee Herring, hyfforddwr cymunedol Criced Cymru Torfaen a Gogledd Sir Fynwy i’r adwy, a rhedeg sesiynau blasu, a arweiniodd at glwb ar ôl ysgol sy’n cael ei redeg gan aelod o’r staff ar gyfer tua 20 o ddisgyblion.

Mae’r Rhaglen Hyfforddwyr Cymunedol yn rhaglen flynyddol gwerth £250,000 sy’n cael cefnogaeth gan ymgyrch ‘Chance to Shine’ y Sefydliad Criced a Chwaraeon Cymru, er mwyn cefnogi criced mewn ysgolion, a chreu mwy o dimau iau. Mae’r rhaglen yn un o’r mentrau datblygu chwaraeon mwyaf yng Nghymru. 

Yn 2012-13, gwelwyd 28 o dimau newydd yn chwarae criced cynghrair strwythuredig o ganlyniad i’r rhaglen.  Bu 68 o glybiau a 314 o ysgolion ledled Cymru’n cymryd rhan, a hyfforddwyd 201 o athrawon. 

O’r ysgolion hynny, roedd 88% o’r farn bod ansawdd yr hyfforddiant yn ardderchog neu’n dda iawn. “Mae’r Rhaglen Hyfforddwyr Cymunedol yn un o storïau llwyddiant mwyaf Criced Cymru,” meddai prif weithredwr Criced Cymru, Peter Hybart. “Mae gennym rwydwaith o 22 o hyfforddwyr cymunedol ledled y wlad, gyda’r arbenigedd a’r ddawn i helpu ysgolion fel Ysgol Gynradd New Inn i roi cyfle i ddisgyblion i fwynhau criced.”

Criced Cymru yw’r corff llywodraethu cenedlaethol ar gyfer criced iau a chriced hamdden hyn yng Nghymru.  Mae’n gweithio’n agos â Chlwb Criced Morgannwg, sy’n llywodraethu gêm broffesiynol y dynion.  Am wybodaeth ewch i:  www.cricketwales.org.uk

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