North Wales Local Lockdown Restrictions Cricket Wales statement


Four further Welsh Council areas are due to enter local lockdown from 6pm, Thursday 1 October, as part of the Welsh Government’s effort to suppress rising Coronavirus infections.  

From tomorrow evening, extra restrictions will come into force in Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire, and Wrexham; Under the restrictions, people should not leave or enter a lockdown area, except for a limited set of reasons, including: 

  • to work, if you cannot work from home 
  • to provide care 
  • travelling to education

We understand it is permitted to travel through the areas concerned, without stopping, should people need to reach or leave Gwynedd or Anglesey.

For details on the rules and local updates, we urge the Welsh Cricket Family to consult local and national authority websites for the most up to date information, and any changes which may be made to the restrictions. These include:

As we understand it, organised sports activity, which is conducted in line with the law and local restrictions (including those pertaining to travel), and adheres to National Governing Body-issued guidelines, is still permissible, if your venue can open and operate in a Covid-safe manner, with risk assessments and mitigation plans conducted and shared with the relevant parties.

We would urge all participants and followers of Welsh Cricket to continue to adhere to the standing public health advice on hygiene, and the law with regards to face coverings in public indoor spaces where they are required.

Please see the Cricket Wales website for detail on cricket-specific guidance, and contact your Area teams if you have additional queries.


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