North Wales Kwik Cricket winner


A Wrexham primary school has become the first from North Wales to win the Northern Area finals of the National Kwik Cricket competition, organised by the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB). 

The mixed team from St Peter’s School, in Rossett, Wrexham finished ahead of the winning schools from nine counties, including Yorkshire, Lancashire, Durham and Cheshire. The St Peter’s girls team finished third in their event.

 The school has developed its Kwik Cricket programme through the Cricket Wales Community Coach Programme supported by the Chance to Shine initiative. After qualifying through stage one of the competition at Chirk, the school took two mixed teams and one girls team to the area finals at Brymbo, and won both competitions. They went on to win both contests at the regional finals, which meant the school would represent North Wales in both the mixed and girls competition.

 In the Northern Area finals at Harrogate, the mixed team won the final, and the girls reached the semi-final and finished third in the competition.

 “For a school from North Wales to win in the Northern Area finals is a massive achievement,” said Gavin Hawkey, Cricket Wales Development Manager. “Counties such as Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire have huge numbers of cricket clubs by comparison with North Wales. It was fantastic to win such a big prize, and reflects the thriving cricket culture in the school”

The school raised funds to buy a cricket net, and deputy head David Lloyd was able to acquire Kwik Cricket equipment through the support of the local authority. With the support of Community Coach Jamie Griffiths, the children used the equipment to practise before and after school, at break time and lunch time. As a result, 43 of the school’s 220 pupils have joined a cricket club, and seven have represented North East Wales U11s or U10s.

Ysgol o Ogledd Cymru’n ennill cystadleuaeth criced  

Un o ysgolion cynradd ardal Wrecsam yw’r gyntaf o Ogledd Cymru i ennill rownd derfynol Rhanbarth y Gogledd o’r gystadleuaeth Kwik Cricket genedlaethol, a drefnir gan Fwrdd Criced Cymru a Lloegr (ECB). 

 Daeth tîm cymysg Ysgol Sant Pedr, Rossett, Wrecsam i’r brig o blith ysgolion buddugol naw o siroedd, gan gynnwys Swydd Efrog,  Swydd Gaerhirfryn, Durham a Sir Gaer.  Daeth tîm merched Sant Pedr yn drydydd yn eu cystadleuaeth nhw.

Mae’r ysgol wedi datblygu’i rhaglen Kwik Cricket drwy Raglen Hyfforddwyr Cymunedol Criced Cymru, gyda chymorth y fenter Chance to Shine.

Ar ôl ennill  rownd gyntaf y gystadleuaeth yn Y Waun, aeth yr ysgol â dau dîm cymysg ac un tîm merched i rowndiau terfynol y fro ym Mrymbo, ac ennill y ddwy gystadleuaeth.

Aethant ymlaen i ennill y ddwy gystadleuaeth yn y rowndiau rhanbarthol hefyd, oedd y golygu y byddai’r ysgol yn cynrychioli Gogledd Cymru yn y gystadleuaeth gymysg a chystadleuaeth y merched.

Yn rowndiau terfynol Rhanbarth y Gogledd yn Harrogate, enillodd y tîm cymysg y rownd derfynol, a chyrhaeddodd y merched y rownd gynderfynol, gan ddod yn drydydd yn eu cystadleuaeth.

“Mae’n gamp aruthrol i ysgol o Ogledd Cymru i ennill rownd derfynol Rhanbarth y Gogledd,” meddai Gavin Hawkey, Rheolwr Datblygu Criced Cymru.  “Mae gan siroedd fel Swydd Efrog, Swydd Gaerhirfryn a Sir Gaer nifer enfawr o glybiau criced o’i gymharu â Gogledd Cymru.  Roedd hi’n wych cipio gwobr mor fawr, ac mae’n adlewyrchu’r diwylliant criced ffyniannus sydd yn ein hysgolion”.

 Cododd yr ysgol arian i brynu rhwyd criced, a llwyddodd y dirprwy bennaeth, David Lloyd, i gael offer Kwik Cricket gyda chefnogaeth yr awdurdod lleol.  Gyda chymorth yr Hyfforddwr Cymunedol Jamie Griffiths, defnyddiodd y plant yr offer i ymarfer cyn ac ar ôl ysgol,  yn ystod yr egwyl ac yn ystod yr awr ginio.

O ganlyniad, mae 43 o’r 220 o ddisgyblion sydd yn yr ysgol wedi ymuno â chlwb criced, ac mae saith wedi cynrychioli timau Dan 11 neu Dan 10 Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru.

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