News of the AGM and of Grant Changes



 The Cricket Wales Board at their last meeting before the AGM


The Cricket Wales AGM was completed successfully on Sunday 27th of September at the Elan Valley Hotel. 

The meeting was preceded by meetings of both the Senior and the  Junior Cricket Councils and also a joint meeting of the two Councils. The minutes of the Joint Meeting and of the Senior Council and Junior Council meetings are available as downloads from this site. 

The Joint Meeting was largely concerned with discussions in respect of the current review of the governance of Cricket Wales.  The current Board is awaiting the fruits of previous discussions and, following the dissemination of more proposed detail, is expected to complete discussions before the changes are brought before the wider membership at a later stage.  

The AGM saw the ratification of two new Board Members as Clive Franklin and Ted Tipper had decided to stand down after both being involved for four years (one year during the interim period and three as elected members).  Rod Jones, Chairman of the Welsh Club Cricket Conference, and Peter Brett, former Chairman of the Carmarthenshire RJCDC, have been elected to join the Board and their elections were duly ratified.



Since the AGM, Sport Wales has announced a new online application process for Development and Community Chest grants from Monday 26th October 2015. 

Those seeking either a Community Chest or a Development Grant, must now apply via the Sport Wales website funding pages, and not to use the current paper/pdf based forms.  

It should be emphasised that Development Grants will still need to be processed through Cricket Wales.  Community Chest Grant applications are made directly by the clubs. Should there be any concerns, club officials should contact their regional Cricket Development Officer for further advice.  



The Torch Trophy Trust IS open to applications from anywhere in the UK.

Bursaries of between £100 and £1,000 are available to help volunteers wishing to undertake training to enhance their knowledge or improve their coaching skills to assist their club, organisation or community and develop their chosen sport.   The bursaries are for individuals or organisations who cannot obtain the funding from any other source.

Applications are welcome from all parts of the United Kingdom and from all sports including disability and youth.   The deadline for applications is 13 November 2015 (5pm).


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