New Officials Courses


Our umpire training season starts after Christmas and we will be running Stage 1 and Stage 2 courses at Ynystawe CC.  
Under the new system, registration and booking is done centrally using CVENT.  The Ynystawe courses have now been placed on the ECB booking site and I’ve tweeted the links to the registration page for each one.   I’d be grateful if you’d circulate the information as widely as possible.
Stage 1 booking – 4th March - is here –
Stage 2 booking - 18th March - is here -


Other Courses


Stage 1 umpiring course – Blackwood CC  - 21st January 2018 -


Stage 2 umpiring course – Blackwood CC – 28th January 2018 -


Stage 1 umpiring course – Mochdre CC – 18th February 2018 -


Stage 2 umpiring course – Mochdre CC – 4th March 2018 -


They are separate stand-alone courses.  Stage 1 is suitable for own club umpires as well as aspiring officials.  Stage 2 done with Stage 1 equips people to umpire at league level. Each course lasts one day.
Cost is £30 for each course but Stage 2 is discounted to £10 if booked in the same season as Stage 1.  ACO membership is included but is optional although there is no reduction in price if it is not taken up.   DBS is now operational online and linked to the registration process so that makes life easier. Payment is collected centrally via the booking system so no money changes hands locally.  When someone registers for the course we get an email informing us so we can keep in touch. 
There is no examination at the end of either course.  Candidates get a certificate of attendance.  For Stage 2 and upwards there is the option to be accredited.  That costs a further £50, which is payable locally. Accreditation involves boundary observations and the creation of a portfolio for assessment.  Full details will be given on the Stage 2 course.
Steve Davies and I are also running new Law workshops/roadshows around Wales.  These are intended for players rather than umpires.  Our first session is at Haverfordwest CC on 12th December at 19:00.  We anticipate organising 4 more sessions in the New Year across South Wales.  Venues and dates will be circulated soon.

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