Len Smith appointed regional advisor for Wales


Len Smith

Former Glamorgan CCC head groundsman, IOG regional advisor and winner of the 2013 IOG Everris/Syngenta Lifetime Achievement award, Len Smith has been appointed to the role of IOG regional advisor for Wales.

Thanks to funding from Cricket Wales, Len's new role will see him further extend into Wales the IOG's pitch care advisory service and the IOG's recently launched Grounds and Natural Turf Improvement Programme, funded by the IOG, the Football Association (FA), the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB), the Rugby Football League (RFL) and Sport England.

Commenting on his appointment, Peter Hybart, CEO at Cricket Wales, said: "Cricket Wales is delighted that through funding from the ECB, Len Smith has agreed to continue to provide IOG services that will focus on the provision of expert guidance, advice and support to cricket clubs, groundsman's associations and pitch advisors in Wales. Len's passion, knowledge and experience on everything linked to pitch and ground development will continue to be of great benefit to cricket throughout the country."

Penodwyd cyn prif dirmon Clwb Criced Morgannwg, ymgynghorydd rhanbarthol gyda’r Sefydliad Tirmonaeth (IOG) ac enillydd gwobr Cyflawniad Oes Everris/Syngenta IOG 2013, Len Smith, yn ymgynghorydd rhanbarthol yr  IOG yng Nghymru. 

Diolch i grant ariannol oddi wrth Criced Cymru, bydd rôl newydd Len yn golygu ei fod yn ymestyn ac yn ehangu gwasanaeth cynghori ar ofal meysydd chwarae’r IOG yng Nghymru, yn ogystal â’r rhaglen newydd ‘Grounds and Natural Turf Improvement Programme’ a ariannir gan yr IOG, y Gymdeithas Bêl-droed (FA), Bwrdd Criced Cymru a Lloegr (ECB), Y Gynghrair Rygbi (RFL) a Sport England.

Meddai Peter Hybart, Prif Weithredwr Criced Cymru am ei benodiad: "Mae Criced Cymru wrth ei fodd bod Len Smith, gyda chymorth ariannol gan yr ECB, wedi cytuno i barhau i ddarparu gwasanaethau IOG fydd yn canolbwyntio ar roi arweiniad, cyngor a chymorth arbenigol i glybiau criced, cymdeithasau tirmyn ac ymgynghorwyr caeau chwarae yng Nghymru.  Bydd brwdfrydedd, gwybodaeth a phrofiad Len mewn perthynas â phopeth sy’n ymwneud â datblygu lleiniau a meysydd chwarae’n parhau i fod o fudd mawr i griced ledled y wlad."  

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