Introducing ECB's County Grants Scheme - Webinar Mon 4th April


Cricket Wales is extremely grateful to both Sport Wales and the England & Wales Cricket Board for their continued support of Welsh cricket clubs who are seeking to improve their facilities (Playing, Changing & Social) to supoort the growth we are seeing in particpation, especially among women & girls and juniors.

Clubs in Wales have significantly benefitted from Sport Wales' Be Active Wales fund over the last 2 years. The ECB have recently launched a new Grants scheme - the County Grants fund - which is a long-term, strategic fund, designed to support small to medium-sized facility improvements, which fall into one or more of the following themes;

1) Creating Welcoming Environments

2) Providing Enhanced Facilities and Playing Opportunities (for female and/or disabled participants) 

3) Tackling Climate Change


Cricket Wales officers will be hosting a webinar at 7pm on Monday 4th April, in partnership with the ECB, for clubs in Wales to hear more and ask questions before starting an application.

To register, please click on this link

In advance of the webinar, more details on the fund, guidance notes and process for expressing an interest are on the Cricket Wales website.


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