Introducing Our New Coach Development Manager


We are excited to announce Ian Martin as the new Coach Development Manager for Cricket Wales. He transitions into the role having been the Workforce Adminstrator for the organisation in North Wales where he has held a multitude of roles across the coaching landscape as well being a high quality coach developer. Ian's involvement in coaching generally has been vast with over a decade of experience at club level as well as roles within the pathway through Cricket Wales North and Wales National County North.

Ian is eager to collaborate with junior leads at cricket clubs across Wales to promote the growth and success of coach development at a club environment which has such a positive effect on young cricketers.

Personalised 1-2-1 Clinic-Style Meetings

As part of our commitment to enhancing the coaching experience, Ian is offering personalised 1-2-1 clinic-style meetings. These 30 minute sessions are designed to discuss specific coaching needs within your club, share insights, and develop tailored strategies to support coach development.

Schedule a 1-2-1 Meeting: Here


Feedback from Potential Coaches

To better support our coaching community, we are conducting a survey to gather valuable feedback from potential new coaches within your clubs. These insights are crucial for identifying areas of improvement. We encourage all clubs to share the survey link with relevant individuals, especially parents interested in assisting with coaching sessions or age group teams.

Take the Survey: Here


Join Us in Supporting Coach Development

Your support is vital as we work towards making a positive impact on coach development in Wales. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact Ian on [email protected]


On his appointment Ian commented: "I'm thrilled to be the new Coach Development Manager for Cricket Wales. I'm eager to make a positive impact on coaches across Wales, from Under 9s at grassroots club cricket to performance and pathway coaches. Opening up opportunities for new and current coaches is a top priority along with expanding our post-course and CPD offerings and programmes. I look forward to making a difference!"

Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to get involved.


Official Partners

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