HRH Queen Elizabeth II - A Cricket Wales Statement


Cricket Wales was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth yesterday, Thursday 8th September 2022.

Her Majesty was a remarkable woman and led a remarkable life, dedicated to public service. Our thoughts, prayers and condolences are with The Royal Family and all who share their sense of loss at this very sad time

The UK Government National Mourning protocols were issued earlier today, and sports across our United Kingdom have been meeting, to aim to align our response, while also being mindful of the mood of the nation.

We recognise the feelings in our game that the coming days should represent a moment of unity, as we come to terms with our Queen’s passing.  

The Cricket family in Wales, sadly, has been no stranger to challenge and difficulty in the last two-and-a-half years, but, at every turn, has demonstrated its resilience to come together and overcome those difficulties. Our cricket clubs have solidified their position as beacons of their communities, and sport – especially team sport - has an unique way of unifying people of all backgrounds, and supporting each other.

In this context, and that of the statement issued by the England and Wales Cricket Board this afternoon, we are therefore encouraging clubs to join together this weekend and enable cricket matches and activity to go ahead.

We would ask and encourage participants to respectfully pay tribute to Her Majesty with a minute’s silence, and any other marks of respect you feel are appropriate in the circumstances. We also ask that you join together to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s life and her unwaivering personal commitment to our United Kingdom.


Further guidance will be issued to our clubs and communities, in respect of protocols for Her Majesty’s funeral, when arranagements have been made public.


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