Head of Participation Vacancy


CRICKET WALES Head of Participation 


Job Title:                     Head of Participation (Full-Time - Permanent)

Reporting to:             Cricket Wales Chief Executive Officer

Remuneration:          £50,000 per annum plus benefits

Direct reports:           Cricket Wales Area Cricket Managers; Facilities Investment Manager, Coach Development Manager & National Competitions Coordinator

Main Office Location: Sophia Gardens, Cardiff (Flexible, remote or hybrid working available)

About the role

This newly established position will shape the future of Cricket Wales for the next decade and beyond. It presents a challenging, diverse, and immensely rewarding opportunity for a current senior leader or someone with the right skills ready for their next career move.

We seek an ambitious, professional and values centred leader to help us create and drive a new long-term vision for our sport. The goal is to become a sustainable, visible, well-resourced and structured governing body that enables us to become the most inclusive team sport in the country. Our Head of Participation will oversee all aspects of Cricket Development and will play a key role in the evolution of our culture and formation of new values.

A key aspect of this role is driving a unified team culture across our sport. By fostering collaboration, unity, and collective responsibility, the Head of Participation will ensure that all team members are aligned with shared vision and goals. This unified approach will not only enhance communication and cooperation across cricket in Wales but will also build a supportive and positive Cricket Wales work environment where everyone's contributions are valued. The emphasis on a unified team culture is essential for motivating our people to achieve our vision, strategy, and objectives. It will help navigate the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead as our sport grows at an exciting but unprecedented rate.


Applicants should submit an application form and covering letter linking your skills and experience to the job description to [email protected]  

The closing date for applications is 12pm, 21st August 2024.  Interview date 9th September 2024.  

You must be based and hold the right to work, in the UK to apply for this position. 







Pennaeth Cyfranogiad



Teitl y Swydd:             Pennaeth Cyfranogiad (Amser Llawn)

Yn adrodd i:                Prif Weithredwr Criced Cymru

Cyflog:                         £50,000 y flwyddyn a buddiannau

Rheolwr Llinell:          Rheolwyr Criced Ardal Criced Cymru, Rheolwr Buddsoddi mewn Cyfleusterau, Rheolwr Datblygu Hyfforddwyr a’r Cydlynydd Cystadlaethau Cenedlaethol

Lleoliad Prif Swyddfa:  Gerddi Sophia, Caerdydd (ystyrir gweithio hyblyg, gweithio o bell neu weithio hybrid)


Am y Rôl

Bydd y swydd newydd sbon hon yn siapio dyfodol Criced Cymru dros y ddegawd nesaf a thu hwnt.  Mae’n gyfle heriol, amrywiol a hynod foddhaol ar gyfer uwch-arweinydd presennol, neu rywun sydd â’r sgiliau iawn, sy’n barod ar gyfer y cam nesaf yn eu gyrfa.

Rydym yn chwilio am arweinydd uchelgeisiol, proffesiynol gyda gwerthoedd cadarn i’n helpu i greu a hyrwyddo gweledigaeth hirdymor newydd ar gyfer y gêm.  Y nod yw dod yn gorff llywodraethu cynaliadwy, gweladwy, gydag adnoddau digonol, a strwythur da a fydd yn caniatáu inni ddod yn un o’r chwaraeon tîm mwyaf cynhwysol yn y wlad.  Bydd ein Pennaeth Cyfranogiad yn goruchwylio pob agwedd o Ddatblygiad Criced a bydd yn chwarae rôl allweddol o ran datblygu ein diwylliant a sefydlu gwerthoedd newydd.

Un o agweddau allweddol y rôl hon yw hyrwyddo diwylliant tîm unedig ledled y gêm.  Drwy feithrin cydweithrediad, undod a chydgyfrifoldeb, bydd y Pennaeth Cyfranogiad yn sicrhau bod holl aelodau’r tîm yn rhannu’r un weledigaeth a nodau.  Bydd y dull unedig hwn nid yn unig yn gwella’r cyfathrebu a’r cydweithredu ar draws y byd criced yng Nghymru, ond mi fydd hefyd yn adeiladu amgylchedd gwaith cefnogol a phositif o fewn Criced Cymru, lle mae cyfraniadau pawb yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi.  Mae’r pwyslais ar ddiwylliant tîm unedig yn hanfodol er mwyn ysgogi ein pobl i gyflawni’n gweledigaeth, strategaeth ac amcanion.  Bydd yn helpu i lywio’r heriau a’r cyfleoedd sydd o’n blaenau, wrth i’n gêm dyfu ar raddfa gyffrous ond digynsail.

 Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 12pm, 21 Awst 2024.  Dyddiad cyfweld 9 Medi 2024. 

Cricket Wales' Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Cricket Wales is committed to providing equitable opportunities. While we will always appoint on merit, we would particularly encourage applications from under- represented groups and communities in cricket – especially female or ethnically diverse people, or those who identify as having a disability.  Cricket Wales have agreed to undertake a 'blind' shortlisting process for this role to minimise the potential for unconscious bias.

Our Commitment to Safer Recruitment

Cricket Wales is committed to safeguarding and protecting the children and young people that we work with. As such, all posts are subject to a safe recruitment process, including where applicable the disclosure of criminal records and vetting checks. The role of Head of Participation meets the criteria of Regulated Activity and therefore any offer of employment will be conditional pending completion of a satisfactory Enhanced DBS certificate.


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