
The Wales Audit Office launches a citizen survey into the current state of Welsh council sport and recreation services  

Services are changing Wales. In these times of austerity, local government has to re-assess which services to prioritise and many services now have to deliver with less income. In a series of reports, the Wales Audit Office is investigating the impact of these changes on the public in Wales and now wishes to hear from the public on how good local council’s leisure services are and what could be done to improve them. The Audit Office review team wishes to hear from you and your experiences with leisure service, the information gather will help shape and develop the final report being produced in 2015. We have produced a short survey to support this work and are encouraging residents and visitors to tell us about their experience, good or bad, when using council leisure services.

You may complete the short, anonymous, survey by visiting our website atyourleisure.wao.gov.uk which provides a link to the survey as well as some further information.  

Auditor General for Wales, Huw Vaughan Thomas said:   “Authorities need to ensure that what they provide is valued by service users and is cost effective. Leisure services are an important aspect in all our daily lives, but because they are not being protected in the current round of budget cuts, they are at risk of being reduced. I want to encourage as many people as possible to have their say on these services and how their council is consulting with residents over where to make budget cuts.”   

For more information please contact Matt Davies 029 2032 0519 or email [email protected] 

Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru yn lansio arolwg dinasyddion o gyflwr presennol gwasanaethau chwaraeon a hamdden cynghorau yng Nghymru     

Mae gwasanaethau'n newid Cymru. Ar yr adeg hon o galedi mae llywodraeth leol yn gorfod ailasesu pa wasanaethau i'w blaenoriaethu ac mae llawer o wasanaethau bellach yn gorfod cael eu darparu gyda llai o arian.

Mewn cyfres o adroddiadau, mae Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru yn ymchwilio i effaith y newidiadau hyn ar y cyhoedd yng Nghymru a hoffem glywed gennych er mwyn cael gwybod pa mor dda yw gwasanaethau hamdden eich cyngor lleol a beth y dylid ei wneud i'w gwella yn eich barn chi.

Mae'r tîm adolygu am glywed gennych a chlywed am eich profiadau o ran gwasanaethau hamdden, a bydd y wybodaeth a gesglir yn helpu i lunio a datblygu'r adroddiad terfynol sy'n cael ei lunio yn 2015.

Rydym wedi llunio arolwg byr i ategu'r gwaith hwn ac yn annog trigolion ac ymwelwyr i ddweud wrthym am eu profiad, boed yn dda neu'n wael, wrth ddefnyddio gwasanaethau hamdden y cyngor.  

Gallwch gwblhau'r arolwg byr, dienw drwy fynd i'n gwefan eichhamdden.wao.gov.uk sy'n rhoi dolen i'r arolwg yn ogystal â rhagor o wybodaeth.  

Dywedodd Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cymru, Huw Vaughan Thomas:  

"Mae angen i awdurdodau sicrhau bod yr hyn a ddarparant yn cael ei werthfawrogi gan ddefnyddwyr gwasanaethau a'i fod yn gosteffeithiol. Mae gwasanaethau hamdden yn agwedd bwysig ar ein bywydau beunyddiol, ond mae perygl y cânt eu lleihau yn y cylch cyfredol o doriadau i'r gyllideb. Hoffwn annog cymaint o bobl â phosibl i ddweud eu dweud am y gwasanaethau hyn a sut mae eu cyngor yn ymgynghori â thrigolion ynghylch ble i wneud toriadau i'r gyllideb."

Diwedd   I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â Matt Davies ar 029 2032 0519 neu anfonwch e-bost i [email protected] 

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