General Statement from Cricket about WRUs proposals for summer junior rugby



Cricket Wales and Glamorgan Cricket have been discussing with WRU how its summer junior rugby (7-11 yrs.) proposals make sure that parents do not have to choose between both rugby and cricket in the future and therefore are not forced to select one.

While we are keen to collaborate with WRU around joint events featuring cricket and rugby, it is important to protect the cricket calendar and as such we will be working to come to a workable agreement with all parties.


Note to the Cricket Network

Cricket Wales and Glamorgan Cricket have been discussing with WRU how its summer junior rugby proposals (7-11yrs) make sure that parents do not have to choose between both rugby and cricket in the future and therefore are not forced to select one. While we are keen to collaborate with WRU around joint events featuring cricket and rugby, especially in areas where the game needs growing, a significant amount of junior cricket across Wales is played on Sundays especially mornings and as such we are keen to protect Sunday mornings and coordinate summer weekday evenings so as to come to a workable agreement with the WRU.

The WRU’s model shows that there will be season breaks at December/January and August. The emphasis on block 4 (which is the outdoor junior cricket season) is different to a normal active rugby block in that there will be ‘more than rugby’ multi-sport events and festival style activity partnering with other sports. 

The WRU has a much bigger playing base and the opportunity to showcase cricket through the ‘more than’ rugby events and this is a significant opportunity especially in areas where cricket is not strong (such as the valleys), where we can grow the girls game and roll out some of the new development games that ECB will be funding in due course.


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