DBS for Overseas Players



At this time of year some clubs consider overseas players/coaches.  The ECB has issued guidance regarding overseas players who come to roles that would require a DBS.

It is important that clubs consider the difficulties in an overseas player obtaining a DBS certificate and it is strongly advised that clubs look at the guidance IN ADVANCE of any players coming to the UK. 

Please visit the Welfare Downloads section of the Cricket Wales Website, where you will find two relevant documents:

1) DBS Vetting for Overseas Coaches

2) Non UK Resident Vetting

The web link is here...http://www.cricketwales.org.uk/welfaredownloads.aspx 

Overseas coaches sometimes have difficulties with DBS checks as the ECB will (correctly) want to know about their history abroad.  There are detailed processes available to allow these checks to take place and help can be found at:



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