Current Funding Advice Sport Wales Welsh Government and ECB Coronavirus Support


WELSH GOVERNMENT / Sport Wales / ECB Coronavirus  Support for the Third Sector and Volunteering  

Latest Funding Support

We would recommend you check out these sources of funding as clubs in Wales are enjoying success; in this order:-

1)     Welsh Government Business Grant (£10K or £25K based on Rateable  Value) click here   ·       

  • to check if your club premises has a RV use this Rateable Value Checker Link here   ·       
  • and if so here are the links to Welsh Local Authorities who are administrating the above Business Grants click here

 2)     If you don’t have success with the above try to apply for the Economic Resilience Fund for Microbusinesses (Grant of up to £10K) click here  Currently (29 April) this has been paused due to over subscription. Try step 3

3)     Then if you are not successful please consider the  Sport Wales Emergency Fund (up to £5,000) which is now open click here This is an emergency only fund and details of applicants will be shared with Cricket Wales and the ECB.

4) The advice for accessing other financial support from the ECB, as announced on Friday 17th April is as follows: -

  • First applly to the above Government relief and support sources for which you are eligible, including rates relief & micro business grants (normally administered by your local authority) – please see COVID19 section of the CW website for further advice).
  • Apply for a loan from the ECB (up to £5,000) with a 12-month repayment holiday and then 3 years to re-pay here.     
  • If you are not eligible for the above, an ECB ‘Return to Cricket’ grant should be applied for as a last option; You will be asked about your eligibility and any live applications to any funds above as part of the application process for this grant click here     

Click HERE for a summary of all the ECB grants information. 

Sport Wales, in partnership with Welsh Government, are also developing an £8.1m Sport Resilience Fund; further details will follow in the coming weeks and months.    


For further financial support:

 click on the following links for more specific advice, depending on your situation

Furloughing Staff

Info from the Wales.Coop



Thanks to our partners at Welsh Sports Association there is a range of support for cricket clubs (click HERE) and check the ‘Full Member’ column.

To access these benefits click on this link

Username: CRWC001

Password: CRWCwsa2020!

Thomas Sharp can also advise on some of these services - any queries [email protected] 


Please follow this ink for more information about Volunteering


Support from Cricket Wales Staff

Cricket Wales staff are in close touch with your leagues as well.You may want to consider use of MS Teams; Zoom; Houseparty etc all of which are applications which all help people continue meeting, organise and keep in touch with each other.Please let us know of any specific requirements you have by contacting your Area Teams.  We hope that there will other sources emerging from within Wales and Cricket but will update as soon as that comes.


Official Partners

Glamorgan Cricket Sport Wales England Cricket Board The National Lottery Masuri Chance To Shine Lord's Taverners NV Play