Cricket Wales Statement 29 May 2020


Cricket Wales notes FM Drakeford’s address of this lunchtime, Friday 29 May 2020, and the announced changes to regulations in Wales, following the government’s latest review of lockdown rules, which have been in place for several weeks, owing to the Coronavirus pandemic;

see here for the details

While today’s announcement has sadly not immediately changed the position for Cricket in Wales, we will continue to work with the Welsh Sports sector and the Welsh Government to agree a safe return to further outdoor physical activity. We will also continue to work with the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) on the wider ‘Return to Cricket’ plan for the grassroots game. All such plans and proposals will need to be ratified by the Welsh & UK governments in due course, as this situation develops and as regulations ease further.

In the meantime, we must sadly reiterate to cricket participants in Wales that cricket activities in Wales should remain suspended, in line with the current Welsh Government rules.  

We would also like to clarify and remind clubs and cricketers that the 1st August potential re-start date mentioned in articles and the most recent ECB update statement refers to PROFESSIONAL domestic cricket ONLY.

Recreational cricket remains suspended until further notice in both England and Wales; There is not yet a specific target or planned start date for recreational cricket.  - Any such re-start of recreational cricket, in either England or Wales, is ultimately in the hands of the respective government - and that date could yet be either before or after the 1st August timeline to which the professional domestic game plans are currently aligned.

Cricket Wales would finally like to extend a huge Diolch/Thank you to everyone in the Welsh Cricket Family, who we recognise have been so patient in waiting for positive news about the possibility to take part in some form of cricket activity this summer.

Leshia Hawkins, CEO of Cricket Wales, commented, “My team and I are fully cognisant of, and sympathetic to, how much you have all deeply missed the opportunity to see, hear and feel leather on willow – or, for our younger cricketers, the joy of smashing soft balls to the boundary with plastic bats. I want to reassure our Cricket community that we will continue to work diligently with everyone involved to plot the swiftest - but also safest - possible return to activity, as the rules in Wales permit.

“We are committed to ensuring Cricket in Wales emerges from this unprecedented challenge even stronger, and we remain optimistic, with the Welsh Government highlighting outdoor sports facilities for specific examination at the next review, for some kind of cricket activity to resume in Wales next month.

“In the meantime, please stay safe, continue to look out for your team-mates, friends and those closest to you, and do contact us if Cricket Wales can support you further.”


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