Cricket Wales Statement - 11th May 2020


Many members of the cricket family will no doubt be aware of various media reports following both FM Drakeford’s and PM Johnson’s addresses over the last few days, regarding their nation’s respective response to Coronavirus, which included the announcement of some significant impending easing of lockdown rules in England.

While some clarity is starting to filter through in respect of how sport and exercise might be undertaken in socially-distanced and restricted groups in England ONLY, Cricket Wales would like to reiterate that there has been no material change in restrictions on sports activity - including cricket - in Wales; In Wales, while members of the public are now permitted to leave the home to take exercise more than once per day, such exercise should still begin and end at home, and should be undertaken locally to your home. 

Cricket Wales are in dialogue with the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and with our partners at Sport Wales, the Welsh Sports Association (WSA) and the Welsh Government in respect of the on-going situation, including how cricket activity might be safely undertaken when lockdown restrictions are eventually eased in Wales. Until then, we sadly have to remind the cricket family that cricket activities should remain suspended in Wales, in line with Welsh Government restrictions

Cricket Wales staff remain at the disposal of our members and participants; We will continue to support our clubs and communities in whatever way we are asked, and for as long as this situation continues, to ensure that cricket comes back stronger when we are permitted to return.  We also invite the cricket community to continue to consult our website and social channels for the most up-to-date information and advice.

Stay safe, everyone - and please Stay Home wherever possible.


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