

At an Extraordinary Meeting of Cricket Wales, held in Llandrindod Wells on February 28th, Cricket Wales member organisations unanimously agreed to the creation of a new Board of Directors to drive the sport forward.

Cricket Wales is recognised by Sport Wales and Welsh Government as the National Governing Body for cricket in Wales and forms part of the England and Wales Cricket Board.

As well as having individuals from within cricket in Wales, the new Board will have independent directors, increased diversity, more business skills and will retain its strong link to Glamorgan CCC.

All the new director roles will be advertised widely with short-listed candidates interviewed by a nominations panel.

Cricket Wales Chair, Roger Morris, said: “Gaining support from our current Board and membership for a new type of Board and recruitment process shows the commitment that cricket organisations in Wales have towards the modernising of our sport. “This is a significant step for cricket in Wales and we look forward to a new Board being put in place by the summer.”

The decision, which was taken at an Extraordinary General Meeting of all senior leagues, junior cricket regions and associations throughout Wales, follows a comprehensive governance review that also recommends the creation of Area Boards and has already led to increased joint working with Glamorgan CCC.

Chair of the Cricket Wales Governance Working Group Jeff Bird added:  “Following the support of our membership we now have a great opportunity to recruit a Board of Directors that remains well connected to cricket in Wales but also has the skills, independence and diversity required to run a modern sporting organisation.

“I would like to call on all those with a passion for cricket and business excellence to apply for these exciting new roles in the coming weeks.”

Anyone interested in taking up one of the new roles should visit from 14th March.


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